Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hiddenly Obvious Reminders

I heard on the radio this morning that Iran is working on and potentially even completed missiles that will reach Israel.
We got a phone call last night at 9:30 which was noticed and returned near 11pm. Matt's Uncle was diagnosed with cancer and it has spread from his pancreas. He's not doing so well. Matt's Uncle, someone who's never believed in prayer, called his brother and asked for Rodger and his church to pray for him. It was also asked that Matt and his church would pray for him.
Matt's grandfather is going in for surgery on Monday to release the water from his brain. After Matt's grandmother passed several months ago and his failing health, Matt's Grandpa doesn't have much to live for anymore. And he's stated that before.
The only thing keeping Matt in the state on Monday is a 4:45pm pre-natal appointment. (Thinking rescheduling's a good idea.)
I read today about Moses' glowing face when talking to God and God's promises to His people. And it stirred me to sing this morning. It's been a long time. But those old strings felt right in my hands. And in the midst of everything we have learned and witnessed and seen, powerful words left my lips.
Our God Reigns
Our God Reigns
Forever His Kingdom Reigns

Do you realize the power of that truth?

It brought an opening and comfort to my life through the simple chorus. Seven words... acknowledging All Authority and Control.

You know, a lot of times I get lost looking at the "what ifs" and the "glass half emptys." (Wink for Renee.) There's a lot here on this earth to worry about. And yet God has brought it to my attention over the past few days how many trivial things people worry about: staffing for a group, snacks being provided, paperwork time frames, audit reviews, gaining weight, offending others, lacking purpose, health concerns, finances, being good parents, remembering, providing... the list can go on and feel free to add yours. And, I mean, people can even worry about worrying. Oh and we can come up with fun fleeting sayings and happy emailed and animated pictures, but at the end of the day we are left to battle out the sickening feeling in our stomachs.

Yet the message we have needed to hear has always existed. And it always will. In this world where we cannot control so much, God reigns. Not Allah, not Buddha (who never claimed to be a god), not the general feel-good God that is often referred to in North America.... but GOD reigns. FOREVER!

And for those who are not enemies of this all-powerful, all-knowing, all-loving, all-forgiving God, this is really good news. Really good news.

It means that I don't have to worry. It's all according to His plan. The health of the baby inside of me? I trust it will glorify God. I'll just keep serving Him with myself in taking care of what He has given me. But who am I to dictate what is or is not best for me? I don't even know all of me. There are still things that come out of my mind and my mouth that surprise me. And I can't even reign in my own life. But I know a truth that is so freeing that I can smile in the light of destruction.
Our God Reigns.
Our God Reigns!
Forever His Kingdom Reigns!!!

Even when I struggle to see it. That truth remains. And HAS stood the test of time.

So my occasional struggling with worrying states more about my memory problem than God's power. For the truth is not changed by my view. The truth remains. Untouchably True. Unchanging.

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