Monday, July 14, 2008


Today marks our 4 month check-up with the baby doctor. We get to go at 4:45p today.
"What'll they do?" I was asked by a co-worker.
"I have no idea." I answered, "But it may be like the last one... a 5 minute recall of any odd symptoms, poking of the abdomen, and heartbeat listening. Then we're out the door."

"Have you had the sonogram yet?" one gentleman from church asked me. It took a minute to have any idea what he was talking about. "Oh, no, we haven't scheduled it yet. But we should get to schedule to see our baby during the next appointment."

-Sonogram~ I'm hoping he was referencing to fetal growth pictures and not pictures of my inner organs. =)

I'm also excited because as of today I can call my friend because her phone minutes have begun for this month. YAY! I've missed her since she's moved to Iowa and it's nice to know the extended game of phone tag last played can potentially be avoided now.

I also got approved for vacation on August 25th. WOOT! Niagara Falls, here we come baby!!!!!

Also, a surprise of mine is coming together quite nicely - thanks to some willing help.

Yep, friends, today is a good day filled with many small, yet big in my life, milestones.


Renee said...

Hey There! I can't believe I got mentioned in the blog and I didn't even get the call today! UGH! It was a wild day at the Riley Ranch...I'll give you the details soon - maybe even tomorrow!!

Monica said...

oh good, cause you know that I took it personally and cried all night cause you were avoiding me. ;) Look forward to hearing about Riley Ranch Rompings!!!