Wednesday, July 16, 2008

To Walgreens, with satan

Last night on the way home from work I called Ellen, my sister in law, and found out that she was headed to Boonshoft (a local children's museum) for their free Tuesday night fun. After fairly short debate, I was headed in her direction. Boonshoft was fun. And believe it or not, Ellen and I actually found a "quiet" place in the museum to rock in the pioneer rockers and talk. It was really nice. And my niece (1.5 yrs) and brother in law (9 yrs) appeared to have an equally good time, let alone my brother in law (mid-twenties) who chased the two of them down all evening.

Then we headed back to Ellen's for dinner (she's so hospitable) and Matt met up with us. And that's when the acid reflux began [see: pregnancy].

After a longer drive home and enjoyed "quiet" and release of the day, I was determined to find some way to cope with the reflux that was only then intensifying. So I read a part of the Expecting book Renee gave me (thanks again) to make sure I wasn't going to hurt the baby and grab a little advice on controlling reflux. When the words "Tums" and "safe" hit my eyes the heavens opened and the angels rejoiced.

To Walgreen's I went. (Yay 24 hr stores that are close!) Now, I'll take just one second to deviate from the regular story line to give you one piece of needed information. After about 9:30 or 10pm my brain is no longer much good. The lights are on, but the house is empty. And so I usually go to bed somewhere between 9:30 and 10:30p (yes, I'm a granny) depending on the exhaustion levels.

Back to the story...

It was a quarter til 11p when I got to Walgreen's. Once in the store I must have passed the Tums 10 times before realising it (satan was near, I could feel it). Then reading all the different kinds of Tums (shoot me now). And by then the acid was really something! So I snatched one off the shelf, checked out and headed back to the car. Man this trip was getting ridiculous!

"Good, I have juice in the car, I can just take it in the car!" I thought til I sat down next to an empty seat with no juice. "Ok.... here's the water that's been sitting in my car for a few days..." and I proceeded to drink some warm to borderline hot water. And that's when I met satan again, I choked... that's right friends... this wanna be reflux-free, exhausted prego choked right then and there in the Walgreen's parking lot. No, it wasn't himelick choking... it was conscious-still-with-oxygen-getting-through-Tums-stuck-behind-your-uvula choking. And I choked until right there in the parking lot I threw up that Tums.

And died laughing! Could this trip have gotten any more complicated?!

After stabilizing myself, I took two more Tums, drove home, told Matt the story (still laughing a psychotic overly-tired and out of control laughter), and fell into bed.

So, yes friends.... I met satan (you know I tease) at Walgreen's.

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