Thursday, July 31, 2008

Plead Insanity

This morning I woke up and felt this strange normalcy in my morning routine. It was odd because the routine done this morning was atypical and yet something felt complete in it. It was the first time in a while that I have woken up with a clear mind. I felt well-rested. I felt like my mind and body matched up as I walked down the hallway to the tune of a starving meower. It felt completely normal to eat my yogurt at the table, thinking about what shoes I would wear and enjoying the silence. I felt this air of confidence that I could wear these black shoes with these white socks and these brown pants because I thought the shoes and pants were comfortable and white socks were available. No fashion would ever change the amount of love I would give or receive. My morning reminded me of Jr. High school mornings; arising before the sun to a quiet house, waking before my alarm clock and feeling prepared for the alarm. It's funny to try to describe it to the "never been pregnant world" but when you're pregnant and have all these extra hormones, you often have this constant state of imbalance. It's like your mind doesn't connect to your body. And some times you wonder if your mind fell out and your body's just operating on previously remembered responses. You just feel off balance and "not all there." And that's a strange state to live in and attempt to function within. Therefore, this morning was so foreign... and yet so familiar. It was like this hope that just maybe I won't be crazy... for the rest of my life. =)

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