Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Rubber Black Flappy-Thing

So I was driving south on 675 Sunday night. Twas dark out and I was scootin' along with my little 11 year old Plymouth Sundance. I was watchin' the road and thinking to myself. And then bump, bump. I looked at the rear view mirror just in time to see a little rubbery black flappy-thing go flying toward the car behind me from the general direction of my back left tire.

Odd, I thought. I know for certain that I didn't hit something on the road. Besides, if I had hit something on the road, then my front tired would have bumped, but as it was, only my back tire bumped.


So, if anyone is driving south on 675 by exit 7 and they happen to see a rubbery black flappy-thing, please open the door and scoop it up for me. Pretty sure it belongs to my car.

Oh well, car hasn't died yet, so I'd assume that means I don't need it that bad!

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Is she Serious?!

Last Friday I went to the doctor in Cinci after nearly blacking out in the shower. Turns out my iron count was low and my blood pressure was also low. The doctor decided that I should have some blood taken and sent into the lab for testing. She said that I might be anemic, so she wanted to make sure. After being instructed to eat foods high in iron, they sent me out the door with a hole in my left arm and their "best wishes".

I got a call on Monday night from my mom (she works in my doctor's office). I was at bible study, but I got this voicemail afterward:

"Monica, we got your bloodwork back. Turns out they didn't take enough blood to get all the tests done, so we're going to need you to come back to get some more blood drawn. Also, they found a few things in your blood. Nothing to worry about, but call me back tonight or tomorrow to schedule an appointment. You shouldn't wait til school's out. Can you come on Friday? Ok. Talk to you soon. Love you. Bye."

Ahhh yes... nothing to worry about...

So I drove home Friday to get my blood drawn again. Kinda funny how they think I might be anemic, but they need more blood to find out.

I came into the office, signed in, and then went to see my mom. After talking to her for a few minutes, I was called back to a patient room.

"Hey Monica," the nurse said, "What am I taking your blood for?"

A little concerned that she was looking at the chart and asking me what I was there for..."Um, I think it's cause I might be anemic," I ventured.

She was quiet, reading the doctor's note.
"Hmmm, never done that one before. One second, Monica, I'll be right back." And she walked out of the room, opened the cupboard outside of the room, took out a text book, looked in the index and referred to a page.
You've got to be kidding me. I thought. Is she serious?!

Now, I wasn't nervous to get my blood drawn until now.

She returned with a few vials and proceeded to clean my arm for the stabbing.

"Oh, " She got up and left the room again. When she returned she had the needle.

Definitely helping in my rising nerves.

Then she shut the door.

"Is that to keep my screams from echoing down the hallway?" I joked.

"Yeah, and the cotton will help," She reassured me as she grabbed some tissues from a nearby box.

In all, my blood was taken and sent off to lab yet again and hopefully this time we'll get back solid results. Or who knows... maybe they'll draw some more blood next week!

Proved You Wrong!

So this morning I had the novel idea of changing my guitar strings out. See, every month you are supposed to change your guitar strings because they get all worn down and don't sound good anymore. Now since its been over 2 months since I last changed a guitar string, I figured it was about time.

Now if you know me, you should be highly impressed that in 2 months I have not broken a single guitar string. Since I seem to play with a razor blade instead of a pick, I am very proud of my accomplishment. Despite the fact that my guitar sounds "fun", I'm a huge fan of my 2 month old strings.

Being the pro at changing guitar strings that I am, I started pulling out the pins and getting the new strings all in order before I took the old ones off. I was on the phone with Kelly, since I am an excellent multi-tasker.

"What are you doing?" Kelly asked when she heard me banging on my guitar and straining to pull the last string off.

See, apparently when I put my guitar into the shop a LONG time ago, the guy shoved the last string peg in REALLY hard. Now, this wouldn't have been too bad of a problem had the last string (the low E string) been small and easy to pull out. But the low E is really a bugger to get out already.

I gave up after my fingers turned red from pulling on the string and resorted to putting the back of a screwdriver into my guitar and knocking the peg through the back side (and we wonder why my guitar ends up in the shop).

I decided to leave the guitar alone until I was finished talking to Kelly. You know, give it some time to think about what it had done before I gave it it's punishment. After I got off the phone with Kelly, I had at it again. Pulling, tugging, tapping.... pulling, tugging.... the dumb thing wouldn't budge at all. Then finally it gave loose a bit. I was so excited that when I went to pull it out, I accidentally knocked it back in. INGENIOUS!

After I got the peg out, I began re-stringing the thing. I took special care to flex the strings and allow the most optimal precision. I tuned the high E string and then my plan was to work my way down the line to tune the rest. That's when I noticed something... I had re-strung the guitar backward.

You'd think after years of re-stringing this beast that I could do it pretty well by now. Whelp.... Proved you wrong!

(sigh) back to my guitar...

Monday, May 23, 2005

One of the Crowd

So, I decided to join the world of you bloggers. Pathetic, eh? Well, maybe not since you are reading this. (And she instantaneously loses all of her readers).
So, how is life? Wonderful. God is teaching me so many things. God is growing me in so many ways. Want more details? Ask me in person. I'd love to share and learn all about your life as well. As for the rest of this post... here's a poem that I wrote today.

Truth Roars!

Evil whispers,
Enticing the ears.
Inhaled lives
Exhaled lies.

Evil whispers
Darkness and decay
Hiding in shadows

Evil whispers,
"You can't"
"You won't"
"You will never be"

Evil whispers,
"Just enjoy life now,"
"It won't hurt you"
"You will be forgiven later"

Evil whispers,
Slowly we turn away from our Helper,
We turn away from The Light
We turn away from Truth,
Curiosity overtakes us.

Evil whispers,
"What was that?" we ask
"What did you say?"
And Darkness preys.

"NO!" screams Truth.
"You cannot have this one!"
"This one is MINE!"
declares the Lord.

Evil whispers, but You conquered evil
And You tread through the darkness to collect Your chosen ones.

Evil may whisper, but Truth will ALWAYS Roar!