Sunday, October 19, 2008

Frosty October Morning

I awoke on this frosty October morning after a good night's sleep (only 1 nightmare, 2 leg cramps, 2 bathroom trips, 1 trip for a drink, and 2 quick wake-ups to roll over). Seriously, friends, that's a good night's sleep for me and I am really blessed by having had such a good night's sleep. I was well overdue and hurtin' for some good sleep.

I've heard MercyMe's new song, "God with us" and it's really put the 'normal' sacrifice in a new light. It's funny how normal the gospel can become and how typical the Christmas miracle can easily write it's way into our regular holiday preparations. Emmanuel, friends... that God would choose to come to us blows my mind. Us... dude... us!!! And that God would stoop from all His glory and righteousness to save our sorry selves. Praise be to God for surely we don't deserve it.
Attached are the following lyrics that have touched my heart on this morning and many mornings previous. It's so powerful. Hey and if you want to borrow the CD from me I'd be more than happy to loan it to you (even way out in Iowa if you want to borrow it, Renee).

"God with Us" by MercyMe

Who are we that You would be mindful of us?
What do You see that's worth looking our way?
We are free in ways that we never should be.
Sweet release from the grip of these chains.

Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing...

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!

Lord, You know our hearts don't deserve Your glory;
Still You show a love we cannot afford.

Like hinges straining from the weight,
My heart no longer can keep from singing...

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!

Compared to Calvary;
We lay it at Your feet.
Such a tiny offering
Compared to Calvary;
We lay it at Your feet.>

All that is within me cries
For You alone be glorified:
God with us!
My heart sings a brand new song.
The debt is paid, these chains are gone.
God with us!!!

***Click on the link to hear an excerpt of the song (you have to pick "God with Us" from the selection list). "God with us" soundbite.

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