Tuesday, October 21, 2008

4 O'clock Confession

So I have a confession to make...
Sunday I went over to Jenney's house after popping into a few stores with Jenney to run a few errands. I held her kitten, Ebony, an all-black and all-loving kitten that sunk into my neck with loud purring. That's right, friends, I want a furry.
Yes, it's been almost 3 weeks since Cheddar has been gone. Kinda odd to think about how long it has felt. But I really do want a purry furry for this purry furry friendly house. No, I haven't talked to Matt. No, the cat can't be anything but tolerant of huge wolf-like dogs. And no I'm not completely rational in my thought process of getting a cat. And also, no I am not going to run out and buy some cat (Matt sighs as he reads this), but...
Yes, I want a furry. A good one. A lovable one. And just maybe sometime in the near (within a year) future some stray furry from the SPCA or something will find it's home with us and the wolf. And who knows... just maybe I'll be able to convince Matt of getting a furry sooner than the "much later" thought process that plagues his responsible self.

= ) I love that man. He keeps me sane.

But sometimes the insane thoughts are fun to dream about.

And watch out Jenney... your kitten just might go missing. ; )

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I found one tonight for you... it was at the church... I brought it home because it was so helpless and very cute I was gonna take it to a no kill shelter but it you would really like a fury let me know!! We missed you sunday at the burg Josh and I went to church with his parents. Oh PS I bought your bridesmaid dress it was 70 cheaper than 100 so yea for that!! Hope all is well have not heard from ya!!