Saturday, September 06, 2008

Fleas, Freeness, and Navals

Flea Bath Friday. That's right, folks, we attempted the first bathing of our big dog. And with splattered walls, Matt's drenched t-shirt, soap all over my legs and water all over the floor that poochie is still biting those fleas. Oh well... we tried. And it was perty fun too. Dakota kept turning backward and trying to sneak her back legs out of the tub. hehe. Silly dog. We had fun.

In other news, Matt and I got the privilege of having a Saturday off. It will be the only Saturday off for the next month to month and a half. I was so excited to get the opportunity to sleep in that I fell asleep on the couch at 9:30p. So here I am.. fully awake since 5am. Oh well... that's life!

Oh and for those of you who care and will probably never see (because of modesty issues), my naval is beginning to stretch out and is getting closer to flatness at this point. Kinda funky, friends, for one who has an innie.

Ok, enough anatomy. I think I'm going to head over next door to play the piano for a while. Afterall, I have a whoppin 2 or so hours to kill until Matt even thinks of opening an eye.

Happy Saturday all.

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