Thursday, December 01, 2005

Sandpaper Breath

So me and my sandpaper throat are headed to work today. I've packed my little medicine bag, dressed in my layers, and brought enough money for a noodle cup for lunch. (A whole whoppin' $0.59!)

But no matter what I feel like today, I am so blessed to be alive today.

The Lord has blessed me with this breath and even though it can be so easy to get into a rut of feeling sorry for yourself because you feel ucky... I have still been called to share the love of Christ. And people at work are not in any less of a need to feel Christ's love than they were yesterday.

So, I'm grabbing my scarf and my cough drops and heading out to serve my Lord.

I'm no hero... just finally stepping up to the plate instead of choosing to ride the bench.

I love you, Jesus. May today bless your name.

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