Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Updates are Ready

So I have come to learn something very "useful" about my computer. See, I have always been a Windows advocate (down with Mac!), but at the same time, fellow Window-ians? Take a look at the lower right-hand part of your screen. See that little icon? Like seriously... What's up with that?! Every time you turn the computer on, there appears the friendly little icon encouraging your joy with it's announcement; "Updates are ready for your computer. Click here to install these updates." And then it's really funny when you go for a good while without clicking on the icon and you begin to receive messages from your computer on the "importance of frequent updates". But here's the thing... I think they need to replace the word frequent in their little "importance of frequent updates" shpeal. See, "frequent" should be changed to "obsessive". Cause, for those of you who have yet to discover this, as soon as you update (whatever it is that you are updating to this day still cannot be discovered) instantaneously a new update icon pops up. Like what's is up with that? I want to know what little guy out there is messing with me by sending my computer updates in fragmented pieces. "One little fragment of a complete update for you, one little piece for you..." I know some little guy out there is sitting in his basement, eating krispy-cremes, adjusting his glasses and snorting with laughter at the fact that he has mastered an update technique that will increase insane asylum contestants all the while decreasing computer function. (shakes her fist at the computer) So there!

Yeah... (pats herself on the back) You sure told him!

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