Saturday, September 10, 2005

Closed Doors

So my roommates are quiet. This is a good quality to have in opposition to being loud partiers, but this also poses challenges. See, when I get home to the apartment, I am never completely sure if I am alone or not. Doors are shut, but it does not mean that roommates are not home.

"Doesn't that drive you crazy?" Kelly questions.

Not yet, at least. Their doors are shut to communication as well. The American mentality of "make it on your own" has plagued this place. But I honestly believe that no human is independent. We may fight for independence, but in all reality, we want someone to be fighting with us. We seek companionship in those that we choose. Companionship is something our hearts call out for. We may be stranded all alone with no companion anywhere, but deep within us is the need to make a Wilson ("Cast Away" reference). So, it's not that my roommates are not finding sources of companionship, it's just that I am not that source right now. In no way does this mean that I do not wish to befriend my roommates. It just means that until their doors are open, I need to be the one knocking. I am learning more and more that it is in action that Christ is seen in a lost world.

Lord, grant me the strength to knock when I grow most weary of trying. Please be seen in my life. Please, Lord. More of You.

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