Friday, March 16, 2012


We have spent some good time outside over the past few days enjoying the beautiful weather and soaking in the joys of

being barefoot outdoors (Mommy's favorite).

Yesterday we made recycled milk jug bird feeders. Rachael picked brown for the paint color, which initially I thought to be kinda ugly, but shrugged and pulled it out. Post-project I think it cute because our milk jugs look like they're filled with chocolate milk. =) We also used colored paperclips for the "string."

With proper supervision,

We took our painting joys outdoors to the plastic picnic table I got for $2 at a garage sale last year. Old shirts made nice paint smocks.

Little one needed a hair tie to keep from tripping. =)

Then I handed them the paint brushes (strategically picking a smaller brush for the little one) and gave them one rule, "Paint the inside, not the outside." Look at the concentration.

"Inside, not outside," was the preschooler and toddler chant for the first five minutes of painting.

We used non-toxic and washable paint on the inside so should some rain water get in, we won't kill the very Snow White friends we were intending to feed. I had an image of bird carcasses littering the yard and the cats losing all control and felt assured in my paint selection. =)

And also this was the reason I used washable, non-toxic paint.

They seemed to highly enjoy the project.

And they did a great job keeping the paint inside the milk jugs, with only a few splotches on skin and table.

Later we found some time to do sidewalk chalk before the late morning rain clouds approached.

Fill and dump mischief.

I just love being a part of their little thinking world.

And I was again reminded that she has become a little girl.

And while she may be getting huge... she's still my baby.

- Great times had by all.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I just love the discovery years of Toddlerhood! Thanks for sharing.