Monday, March 05, 2012

Our First "Significant" Snow

We took the opportunity today, in March, to celebrate our first "significant" snow by playing outside for a handful of minutes.

To keep with the norm, we over-bundled our children producing this:

Abi couldn't get back up when she fell over. No crying, just called for Mommy 'til I could rescue her. =)

Then outside we headed for robotic-movement-like snow walking. Since all our outside toys were happily stored away for the "winter" we've been having, walking and snow inspection were the favored sports.

Movement frequently produced "I'm stuck" moments for the youngest.

Until eventually she stopped dead in her tracks (refusing to move), put her hand straight out and announced, "Walk, Mommy. Walk!" Clearly assistance was not an option. =)

Then there was the three-year-old idea of going down the slide which resulted in Mommy picking her up because the ladder was slippery and "eww, dirt" felt the need to dust all the snow off each step of the ladder, thus revealing a mild layer of slippery ice. Then came for the top of the slide dusting - necessary, especially once your pants are already soaked through.

And at last... the slide. 

Promptly followed by the fall-off at the end. 

Abi was less brave, allowing for this "look away from the sun" picture

before demanding Mommy's hand of assistance. She had no desire to repeat Rachael's tumbling dismount.

Daddy joined in the fun too, swinging our little frozen robots to their squealing delights. 

And then with a short bout of swinging, we decided inside was a great place to shed our dirty "snow" layers and enjoy a nice warm bath.

Here lies the product of three people playing in the snow (Daddy had already left for work and taken care of his things by then) - Nevermind the Feline Investigation Service on the left.

Straight into the tub went the girls and straight into the wash went the layers.
And our "significant" winter snow had all melted in the sunny places by 10am.

Great snow morning indeed!

1 comment:

Mom said...

You never know when the "first memory" will kick in. Sounds like everyone enjoyed the "something different" playtime.