Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Goodmorning Hannah

Goodmorning cricketed darkness,

Today my youngest daughter will be joining this side of the womb. in anticipation she shared some strong contractions with me last night, which were happily masked a bit by tylennol and a hearty snack. Despite the normal series of naps termed sleep for the past few months, today is a day filled with excitement and adrenalin that's already staking it's claim in my alert eyes and smile. Today's the day, sweet Hannah. Today's the day! We've waited for a long time for you. We'd hoped for a long time for you. And so many things about today still feels so surreal.

We made it! We made it to 39 weeks, putting the most meat on your bones and giving you the best chance without utterly torturing your Mommy.

We made it to our induction date so Dr. K can claim the rights to having delivered all three of my girls.

We made it through first trimester nausea, pinched nerves, lower back pain, sickness, being breached, hip blows, and so many more things that seem to now be on the back burner of "over".

We made it through wonderful family moments watching "the blob" rearrange Mommy's stomach.

We made it through sisterly love resulting in elbow pokes and your next closes sister in line sitting directly on your bump for months while Mommy carried her.

We made it!

And now all that's left is your final debut. The revealing of God's miracle that He has been stitching together in you.

Hannah Joy, you are beyond loved, prayed for and hoped for. Today we get to meet your wonderful character and begin to study your personality. Today!

Anticipated baby girl, we love you so and while the world will be blurry, cold and frustrating in many new demands and sensations, we look forward to you learning to feel our love not in the pats, kisses and words from the outside of your protection layer, but through the snuggles, rockings, and songs we sing over you as we embrace you as our own.

For whenever you choose to come today, for whatever happens in your delivery,

I just want to say:

Happy birthday, Hannah Joy!

Precious little girl, happy birthday indeed!

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