Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preparations Begin

We had finished a book about George Muller, having read of his adventures for nearly a week and a half of nap times. I'm not sure how much Rachael reaped from the book, but my harvest was great. I would encourage any and all to get their hands on a good George Muller reading. It could change the way you view prayer and obedience.

Orientation is still fresh on our breath, Matt and I sat through the first three hours of our adventure toward adoption. We have direction and a fresh perspective on God's potential time frame of this step. We learned that the licensure process takes about 6 months, with 36 hours of classes (now only 33 for us) and various inspections for our homestudy. The next step is the application. We're expecting it in the mail shortly and then we will complete it and return it to then be assigned our caseworker within two weeks. At the completion of our caseworker assignment we may proceed with classes, inspections and ultimately receive our license in 6 months. After the license is complete we are then cleared to receive referral calls at any time. Once we receive a referral call we get the blessing of praying about that child and hearing from God if that's our next family member. So in lamen's terms, we could hear of our next family member in a minimum of six months. Let's put that in the close terms that it is - that's as early as Rachael's 3 year old birthday. Now, God's timing is a different story. We'll find out what His timing is. But there are 70 children in the system waiting for homes. And our job is to be ready.

So getting ready we are: piece by piece we're putting together/cleaning out our "guest bedroom" to be our next family member's bedroom. Since we don't know the age of the child or the gender until the referral call we'll be setting up our extra crib and twin bed for the time being. And our job is pretty clear: complete the application/licensure, have the room set and vacant, pray, trust, and wait. God will supply the child. God will orchestrate the timing. We are just to prepare the field and ask for the harvest.

To God be the Glory!

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