Monday, December 22, 2008

Carrying Forward to the Sides

You know, I just think it's a bit funny how angle is everything. For example, compare the 9 month picture to the Christmas ones. Those pictures were taken on the same day, but it looks like the nine months picture contains much more baby. Again, angle is everything. And no one can really describe what the angle's like looking downward at your own belly - especially as it forms differing shapes throughout the day. There's the hour-glass figure, the straight pointing out, the best described as looking like a "butt" figure, the lopping to one side figure, the rounded figure and then the side-to-side figure. And it's entertaining because sometimes I wonder if there are two in there by how much space appears to be occupied by two huge bumps. My brain gets baffled at what that second huge bump is when the doctors have declared the baby to be head-down for the past 3 weeks. Maybe it's knees all crushed in there. That could explain some painful ribbed experiences. But anyway, the shapes are fun. And despite the discomfort, I do have to say that the unpredictability of the belly angle is quite fun too. Today this shirt looks like it fits, but in 20 minutes it looks like I'm cramming myself into the very shirt I plan on dressing baby in upon delivery. - Anyway, just finding small joys in the midst of this otherwise trying last countdown.

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