Thursday, May 22, 2008

Yours Truly

I am so proud of him. And what an honor.
Not a single person disagreed.

Last night the church board, staff, deacon body, and financial committee unanimously agreed that my husband's title as of June 29 will be:

Assistant Pastor.

With that honor comes a full-time position with paid vacation, fantastic benefits, and the parsonage.

That's right... we're moving from a one bedroom apartment to a four bedroom house with fenced in backyard and two car garage.

Isn't God amazing?!

Just think of it...

Over the past few months Matt and I have gone from a dead car, 12-13 hour per day exhausting job (mine), overwhelming schooling (Matt's), and general "I miss you cause I can't see you EVER" feelings to a reliable new-to-us car (that's family size), new job (mine) that allows me to see my husband, increased salary (both), almost completed bachelor's schooling (Matt), new home, a baby on the way, and seminary on the horizon!

It just floors me how the Lord has provided.

Lord, this is Yours... truly!

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