Sunday, February 25, 2007

Slush - to be shoveled

Slush fell from the sky last night

that was the night I was trying to give the car back
that was the night my windshield wiper tore
that was the night I couldn't see through the windshield
that was the night I turned around
that was the night I gave up

that was the night I went to bed crying
that was the night I woke back up and called you
that was the night I told you not to tell me "the obvious"
that was the night you said "fair enough"

that was the night I called her back to tell her I couldn't make it
that was the night I became her disappointment
that was the night she made me feel useless

that was the night I needed a hug
that was the night I didn't want to let go
that was the night I wished you were there
that was the night I didn't want to feel alone

Slush fell from the sky last night.

And it hasn't gone.

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