Friday, February 09, 2007

Me Lately

Well, friends, these past two weeks... months.... have felt like years. And I am sure by the time I graduate I will be secured on the "early gray hair" track. I wish I could describe to you how much of a disappointment and a hurt it is to not be able to be a good Best friend, roommate or fiance because I am so over-committed to graduate. Sometimes Studying takes the back seat to sleeping. Sometimes paying attention in class takes the back seat to getting my homework/class projects/papers done. Sometimes eating takes the back seat to my internship, work and Crosswalk "requirements". But without fail, my relationships with friends and my fiance ALWAYS take the back seat to the requirements of being a Senior in college.

So to my friends, my best friend, my roommate and my fiance..... I miss you.
I really wish it didn't have to be like this.

And to college... I really hate that you take my life away form me in exchange for a degree. Haven't you taken enough of my sanity, why my life too?

And to my kids at work... I'm sorry that Ms. Monica doesn't play with you as much any more. I'm just exhausted. And I wish I could play more and smile more.

So this is what it is to be a Senior in college....

and I don't like it.

But God and God alone will get me through this.
I have no hope but my God.

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