Monday, May 08, 2006

Outside ... An Empty Pew

These are just a few things I have jotted down in reflection of last night.
I walked by twice and saw you
anxiously you sat
I wanted to come in
but responsibility held me back

Dare I walk in?
My promise held me back
no empty seat beside you
dare I ignore my pledged duty?

My promise held me back
words ascended to Christ's ears

the response came
maybe the best support I can give
is from the outside looking in.

An Empty Pew
feel the tension
hear the lies
ignorant devotion
broken spirits

the pain of temporary defeat
consuming faith in mere man
highlighting reliance on grace
mercy is inevitable

Who now?
What now?
How now?

I can’t do anything
no words of mine can soothe
no hugs can erase scars from the Body

I will be beside you
these are no grand words
But even in an empty pew
beside you I choose to be
though this wallflower may appear absent

For no words can encompass the unspeakable
only a Savior comforts leaden hearts
those abandoned by the world
those lost in unacceptance
because their words shed His Truth

tempting tempest come not for our Hope
in Christ Alone

in Christ Alone…

all is well

in Christ Alone…

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