Tuesday, July 10, 2012

More Home Decor plus Organization

So after seeing this idea on pinterest: using a wine rack for a towel holder,

it began to make my creative juices flow.

Since wine racks like this one are easily $50-80 or more, I instantly vetoed the wire rack idea.

In doing some searching, I found that the cheapest places to find wine racks still required a $15-20+ investment that I thought was a bit outlandish for my personal frugality.  Plus some looked a little difficult to convert. And in looking at towel racks the prices weren't looking better.

So I kept thinking and let it sit on the back burner while our kid towels took up bulky space in the linen closet and were a bit difficult to stack due to their cute hoods.

Then I saw it on the thrift store shelf. With a tag on it for $1.99 plus it was 25% off day. =)

So I bought it, brought it home and cleaned it up.

Then painted it (already had the paint) to match our shower curtain/turqoise bathrub (seriously, we have a turquoise bathtub and toilet) with some much-needed supervision and assistance.

Then I found this lonely space on the bathroom wall.

Mounted our new friend.

And stuffed him with kid and baby towels alike.

We're not going to store any wet towels in this guy since the active towels are stored on our single towel rack. There are currently two sweet critter towels (a duck and a butterfly) and will soon be a sweet newborn towel as well. But for the remaining towels with great character, this rack will work wonderfully.

And it brings more life and joy to the bathroom.

Total project cost:  about an hour in research, $0.69 at the thrift store (after 25% off applied), and 2 hours from cleaning to painting to drying to mounting/stuffing in the towels.

Wins all around!  =D


Jes said...

AWESOME!!!! Love the frog eyes sticking out. Now when I pee at your house, the frog will be watching. :)

Erin said...