Thursday, May 10, 2012

Our Matthew

Today's Matt's birthday!!! Happy Birthday, Love!

To celebrate, the girls made cards last night to give to him for his birthday today. Well after making the cards they couldn't stand him not being a part of their little worlds and had to give it to him right then and there. So he had pre-birthday card enjoyment last night.

Rachael (40 months) wrote almost all the letters on her card, excluding those we have yet to learn (we're on P right now as we head through the alphabet). I'm proud of her little 3 year old work.

 Only letters she didn't write were T and Y.

Only letters she didn't write were V, Y and U. 
(And obviously the date and age.)

Abi (22 months) clearly did not write the letters on her card, but she did add the commentary on the inside and tell me what to write:

Front & Back
[Abi's words:] "Tell Daddy... 'Here Daddy Birthday."

Today Matt will be spoiled with his choice of cinnamon rolls for breakfast. We have a family tradition of getting to pick whatever you want to eat for one or two meals the day of your birthday. Matt has a lunch date at a local hospital today and his pick was red lobster for a nice date with Mommy and no kiddies tonight. So that left breakfast for the "I'll 'cook,' dear" meal of the day. I'm grateful he picked something easy and tasty. ;)

I'm SUPER excited about giving Matt his gift today and I won't tell you any more because I want it to be a surprise.

Last night Rachael came out to the store late after church with me to pick out Daddy's "practical gift" and get his cupcake. It took everything within that preschooler to pick the blue cupcake for Daddy over the pink one she was sure he would enjoy as much as she desired. But she thought about Daddy and settled for the cupcake with the most sprinkles I have ever seen on it - well aware that our tradition is to get an over-sized cupcake and cut it into equal pieces to share amongst the family. So when our teeth and tongues are blue tomorrow, you'll know why. ;)

So from me and the clan, I send out a huge  
to our dear Matt. 

- We love you so much more than we can possibly express in one day.

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