Thursday, February 11, 2010

Crafty Craze

Have you ever experienced a crafty drive? I know Jes has because some beautiful workings have come from the "need to make something." Well the nesting period only intensifies the want to use my creativity to benefit another. So now where to start.... too bad I'm not all that crafty....

It's this odd crafty vibe that hits during two other times; a time of desire to make a change and a time of desire to have a lasting impact. Talk about not knowing where to start. =)

Oh I don't expect to accomplish all of these, but I do feel pushed to do more than a farkle game can accomplish.

I think it's time to reprioritize. I have found myself caught in the same trap of "wasting time" while I'm waiting instead of using the time well to accomplish a lasting task. I won't pretend that n one else out there has never found themselves in this same position. But still I find the need to re-evaluate my use of time and the affect of that time usage.

And then the 3 drives mentioned ahead make me want to take a long walk with Rachael - only the snow and ice seems to throw a wrench in that category. Maybe I'll find some solace in a mall walk - a thinking walk, a planning walk, a reorganizing walk. But first... a shower.

1 comment:

Yvonne Johnson said...

I'm trying to imagine you with enough minutes strung together of non-busy-ness for you to even THINK that you're wasting time. Perhaps you're just resting?? You do creative stuff every day with your family!!