Monday, November 09, 2009

Today and such

28 more working days left until I am DONE!!! - not that I'm counting or anything and not that it's in my scheduler written in red at the top of each day.-

My stomach's WAY off today. I wouldn't have come in but I knew they'd be short staffed today. So I sucked it up, despite dry heaves, and here I am (on my lunch break). This soup doesn't look or feel like it's going to sit too well.

Went in this morning to a pacifier smiler at 6:30am. Funny how nearly 12 hours of sleep has that blessed affect on her. There were no whines or tears, just all smiles. And bath time was joyous and all the more so when Rachael caught a glimpse of Dakota coming down the hallway. It was nice to have a happy morning, despite the dry heaves.

The white car is sick. $1200 dollars of sick. But we have found ourself yet again blessed by our friends to have borrowed a car from a friend for 2 weeks until the budget is passed at church and we find out if it makes sense to resurrect the family car or move on to something that may survive longer. We're enjoying the luxury of a van for the time being- and not only a van, but a van with a bunch of buttons and features. Way fun, you all, I love pushing the buttons.

Rachael started fake coughing after Matt or I cough the other day. So silly. And is ready for tooth #3 to pop in the top any day now. She's going through a bit of a snuggly mommy phase (no complaints) and is mobile and blabbering as ever before. She's trying to figure out how to say "uh-oh" and has "mama" and "dada" down.

Matt and I have started a gym membership in attempts to kill ourselves (HA!) and stay in better shape. Matt's goal will blow you away: to GAIN 25 pounds. Like SERIOUSLY! Cracks me up. But one of my favorite features of the gym in the movie theater with all the treadmills, bikes and elipticles. Talk about some good distraction. Thus far Rachael has done pretty well with the daycare part too - excluding the one time they ran the vaccum and they had to come get me because she lost it and wasn't getting it back.

How are you all? Hope your day is a good one.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your spin on life! No matter what comes your way you see it with a happy glow of "make the best of it and find the best in it." You rock! Niece or not, you are a terrific person.

Enjoy these last days at work, oh, and remember to take in a camera to get pictures of your work place and coworkers - there may be times when you want to remember all of this, especially to remind yourself why you're glad you gave it up. :-)