Monday, November 14, 2011

Not Another One!!!

Yes, yes, I have another homeschool post. Buckle up, people, these may happen periodically.

I wanted to share a fun little project I did with Rachael. We made a book about shapes. Rachael worked very hard on this book, tracing and coloring in each of the shapes. On the backs of each page we traced and colored six of each shape (repetition, repetition, repetition). I don't have pictures of Rachael making this book because between instructing and chasing down Abi as she "borrows" items from the table, I was a little busy.

But alas I share with you one of Rachael's accomplishments:

Her book on Shapes.

These are each of the 8 pages.

These are the backs of each of the pages that had backs to them. 

And this is what little-one does most of the time while we homeschool:

She loves her books.

The following two pictures is a placemat I made for Rachael to aid her identifying of numbers, shapes, letters, and her Bible verses. Since I couldn't find a placemat that had all these things on them, especially not the Bible verses, I just decided to make one. At each meal she can decide which side of the placemat she'd like to face up, and accordingly we get to talk about and rehears that side of the placemat during meal prep and sometimes during the meal itself. Since Rachael just sits at the table nicely many times while we prep/serve the meal I figured it was a good time to use the captive audience wisely. =)

 The front: Rachael's 3 Bible verses. Believe it or not she know the top two and we're working on the last one, "God is love". She almost has it down. We put these verses to song and she picks them up lightning fast!

 The back: letters, numbers, and shapes. Thus far she can ID A, C, E, H, L, and R (her name) and she can ID all the shapes (confusing some occasionally) and 1-10 with some confusion about 9 and the fact that 10 is ten and not 1 and a 0. 

Proud of my little smarty and her excitement for exploring and learning amidst our day of fun and play. She is absorbing much and hungry for much learning too. 

Thanks for checking out our little world.

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