Sunday, November 13, 2011

How It's Been Lately

Posts have been a little slow lately (I know my reader(s) are hungry for my constant news... NOT!).
Between homeschool and watching a little boy (2 y/o) now during the days there has been minimal time to breathe around here. (My last day watching him was today). We just got off of a Discipleship Now weekend with the youth group. I think all enjoyed it. And now comes the usual exhaustion of a completed busy weekend.

I've found myself some time to reflect amid prepping the "new family member" room as we are finishing our last few pieces of adoption paperwork. While I feel like the phrase, "finishing our last few pieces of paperwork" is a lie, it feels nice to say likewise. =) There's always just one more. But that paper takes on another meaning when it brings you that much closer to your new family member.

We did our child survey, identifying all the traits we would or would nit consider tonight. Matt joked that filling out the paperwork during Sunday Night football may have been a mistake.
Me: "Will we consider a child who has been convicted of murder?"
Matt: "YEAH!!! GO, GO, GO!!!!"
Me: "Will we consider a child with the characteristics of honesty?"
Matt: "Man!!! No way!!! What was that?!?!"


I'm looking forward to spending an evening out of the house with no kids (say what?!) with Amanda tomorrow night. I feel like it's been dark ages since we've sat down. And a good cup of hot chocolate at a bookstore is in order for sure. Don't you love how a good Christ-centered conversation leaves you marveling at how quickly the time has passed?

Matt's playing some war video game. I'm sure he loves that I keep asking questions during his relaxing time blowing up of "the enemy forces". It's a boy thing, I tell myself. Girls aren't supposed to understand. ;)

So that's how it's been lately. A little busy, with laundry on the side. And the joy of lazy Sunday afternoon naps and good husband-snuggles during this wonderful football season. 

Looking forward to returning to a less-busy schedule (after the photo shoot, vet appointment, house-cleanup, and girls night out scheduled for tomorrow of course-hehe).

Some errands left to before our final safety audit in this adoption process (lock box, smoke detectors, and a convertible car seat to buy). I'm putting primer paint on my Christmas list. I figure I'll try to get that room painted white and then when we meet/make the matching conference on a child we can ask them what color they'd like their room. Just trying to think of ways to make the room theirs and make them feel welcome.

sigh... alright, that's all for tonight. Thanks for reading my randoms. =)

Happy Sunday night to all!

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