Monday, September 19, 2011

Reflective Rain

Today is a raining, thinking day. Ever had those? Seems like I get my best quiet thoughts done on rainy days. Maybe it's because the weather forces us to stay indoors. Maybe it's because staying indoors produces chores-work, which allows for individual kids play which, thus contributes to quiet thinking time.

[We're on the rebound from a stomach virus here on the homestead. Thus, I am washing everything anyone who was infected may have even looked at while they were sick. We don't want any revisitors.]

Rain kept us sitting in the car a little longer than usual at our destinations today, listening to the comforting melodies of Sara Groves' new Cd. Something about the rain and Sara Groves that makes the world's spinning feel a little more slow and manageable. Quieter... easier... slower.... ever mom's dream?

Just been thinking today. Pondering the Word and it's application in our world. Thinking about where God has our little crew and where He is taking us. This journey always brings up memories of sappy Mother-treasures and lonely valleys. Nope, not depressing things, just a day and a time to ponder.

 I was told over the weekend that I am a good Mom. And I wonder what constitutes being a good Mom?

Is it that I have sacrificed my social life for runny noses and dirty diapers?
Is it handing in concert nights for middle-of-the-night fevers and vomit crew?
Is it making the choice to "give up dreams" to have kids - as if kids are not purpose in themselves?
I wonder how we measure a good mom these days?
Does that mean I'm old fashioned and therefore strike a chord with someone else struggle to find their identity among piles of laundry?
Am I one of those "traditional" moms who keep to themselves and don't let anyone into their corner of crazy?
Or am I a newfangled, "my baby must wear the finest", selfish Mom who is too busy taking pictures of their kid to interact?
Maybe I'm a mixture of all or none in any given moment.

What constitutes a good Mom?

I'm not asking for props to be given to me. Just wondering how I classify a good mom.
Does a good mom mean her kids are quiet? What if quiet is a byproduct of fear?
Does a good mom mean her house is clean? What if she never plays with her kids?
Sure there are the balances and the moments of "we're just going to get ice cream and ignore the dirty bathroom". But maybe a good mom is one that knows her weaknesses - however many- and tries to parent her child to not carry on those same weaknesses.

I was asked if I would want someone to follow my example. Is it bad to say "no?" There are so many better examples out there. So many closer Christians to Christ that could give you a much better glimpse of the Perfect Example. Maybe it's better for you to follow those examples, cause seriously you could end up with the fruit I have if you follow my example.

What constitutes a good Mom?

Is Jesus a qualifier?

Hope so.

Thinking about the Proverbs woman (Proverbs 31) - yowza! Did she do all that stuff in one day? Or is it more a synopsis of her week - or weeks. Maybe I'm not such a good mom afterall. Or maybe thinking I'm a good Mom will stunt my growth toward being a good Mom. Is the aim to be a good Mom? Or is that a byproduct of wanting more of Jesus?

Hope so.

- Moments of reflection.

Don't we all need a day like that?

Hope you are finding your soothing rainy day soon.

1 comment:

Matt said...

Perhaps part of what makes a mom a "good mom" is the fact that she spends rainy days pondering whether or not she is one. At the very least, I would guess that really bad moms don't worry too much about whether they are good or not. You are a good mom...I hope saying that won't stunt your growth toward being an even better mom...but I'll say it anyway. I appreciate your reflections...they challenge me (not to be a better mom of course). Looking forward to a night out with a good mom...a good wife...and a good thought provoker. I love you.