Friday, April 01, 2011

Awaiting Snow White Mornings

So I feel like a kid waiting on Santa Clause today - only I know Santa doesn't exist, but I'm still stoked! Today we get our new mattress. This may not sound too exciting to most, but to us it's about as thrilling as it comes! We've been blessed with hand-me-down mattresses thus far into marriage and while those are wonderful in that we didn't have to buy a mattress, we have experienced the wonder of "broken in" mattresses for too long. We've abandoned the idea of a springed mattress and have moved into the foam world. We viewed a sleep number bed, and bounced around on a tempur-pedic (WAY expensive and actually quite warm to sleep in as well) and breezed by the latex mattress world (new innovation, wonderfully comfortable, CRAZY expensive). So we found ourselves landing in the knock-off memory foam world. And let me tell you, that land in comfy and supportive. =)

So today, yes on April Fool's Day, we will get our mattress delivered and thus bask in the hope of tomorrow being a Snow White morning - birds chirping, cute and furry animals rustling about outside, singing a little song... Well, maybe that's asking too much, but no more back pain would be nice! =)

Anyway, that's all my rambling for today. And when you come and visit us later... NO! YOU CAN'T JUMP ON OUR BED! hehehe.

Have a great day, all!


Mom said...

So, have you had a Snow White morning yet?

Unknown said...

No more monkeys jumping on the bed?

Monica said...

hehehe. Funny Mom but the night - THE EXACT NIGHT- that we got our mattress Ms. teething and ear infection decided sleep is for losers. And we losers are suffering. LOL. Still waiting on my Snow White morning. and waiting... and waiting....

And Aunt Gayle? Yes, our little monkeys will NOT to jumping on our bed either. =)