Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Brilliant View.

Philosophy 472 has been an interesting class filled with what seems like meaningless arguing over ways of thinking about stuff. We've been reading from a book that seems to swim in circles over every topic it addresses. It's quite interesting to watch the author disprove his own theories while attempting to persuade the readers to adopt his thinking at the same time. It just seems like the whole class is built on elevated scientific terminology that boils down to the same conclusion, "we really have no answers for any questions that we ask." So my question for all those social scientists and philosopherists is... what is the purpose of your profession?

We ended the last chapter's powerpoint presentation yesterday. The final powerpoint slide that concluded all the information we have learned for the past ten weeks stated all the things we already knew coming into the course; "We can't study anything without making up our minds about what it is we are studying", "Your view will make some things important and some things unimportant," and "Your view will have social, personal, economic and political consequences." One of the final sentences read as follows:

"Your view will set the parameters for
what you study and how you view things."
I chuckled as I read it again, this time omitting one part,

"Your view will set the parameters for
what you study and how you view things."

Sheer brilliance!

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