Saturday, July 09, 2011

A Good Villain.

So a few weeks back Matt and I watched Tangled - you know, Disney's new movie. And quite honestly I loved it. It wasn't the typical overly-cheesey princess tale and yet didn't succumb to slipping in a foul word here and there amid perverted jokes, which sadly make their ways into Disney movies (though I could have done without the "cupid" drunk guy in the bar). But I was happy to find a different kind of villain - still evil and twisted, but more psychological and a different kind of evil than Disney's typical villain.

And quite honestly, I just loved this song- a reprise of the original "Mother Know's Best" sung in the beginning of the film at the introduction of Mother Gothel's psychological evil and manipulation of Rapunzel.

I love her "No? ....Ooh...I see how it is." Hehehe. But I love her musical theatre voice. Such a wonderful voice - and a great villain. Is it bad that I like the villain so? Maybe it's just that she is able to portray evil without a direct threat of physical harm associated with her evil ugliness. Only directly at the end of the film does the evil turn violent toward the "Prince". I like that the villain has layers. And quite honestly, I like her dramatic numbers. =)

So enjoy the little excerpt and feel free to go on thinking me crazy. =D

Mother Gothel and her slightly arrogant self. hehehe. =)

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