Saturday, July 02, 2011

Ending it All

Welp, we finished up our week with a Sprinkler park trip on Thursday and Free-for-all Friday. Lexi enjoyed randomly meeting friends at the park, which was a good thing cause my two were more interested in swinging and cuddling and watching than playing. Lexi played hard, running between the sprinkler park area and the regular park area. And when my two showed beginning signs of needing a nap, we headed home. All three of them knocked out and slept for at least an hour.

Friday we went for a bike ride. Matt stayed home with the baby because we don't have a helmet for her yet (we're going to get her one today). And I took Lexi on her bike and Rachael in the pull-along carrier attached to my bike. We were out for a half hour, but we worked hard in the hilled areas of our community. And it was fun teaching about stop signs and bike signals and traffic awareness. We also found a children's picnic table at a local garage sale for $4. Yes, people! That's what I'm talking about. I had been looking around for one to aid in our outdoor lunches and also to prove as an outdoor water-color painting opportunity for my paint-dripping toddler. So I was happy to have invested a whole 4 dollars in hours and hours of artistry fun. =) Lexi's Friday at our house was concluded with a little board game playing, sandbox fun, and hide-and-seek with Uncle James (our Friday night and Saturday add-on).

I have included a few pics from the park play. For obvious reasons I have no pics of our bike ride (not that skilled) and I didn't take any pics on Friday - - camera battery needed a rest. =)

 Smiley Swings

 Genuine Joy.

 Initiated Helper.

 One of the few moments I could catch her still enough.


 She really just loves the swings. =)

Ahhh yes, so hard to be blond in the sun. 

So in all it was a fun, and more busy than usual, but a good week.

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