Monday, March 02, 2009

Will We Be Speechless?

I'm sitting here at the computer serving breakfast to our little one. And it hit me, how many moms' life goal is to be able to provide a typical meal for their little one? Matt and my little one will hopefully never experience the unmet need for food. While our family goal for me to be stay-at-home mom may be met one day in the near future, I can always work if our family hits a hard spot. How many mothers in our world would die for that opportunity to provide for their children?

I was surfing around this morning and reading about a small step that Matt and I have discussed. Tears came to my eyes as my heart broke for the little ones in need. It's sad how typical it is for our culture to arrogantly sweep people under the "third world" rug as if someone else out there will help pick them up. And if we are going to make a difference in their life, we would much rather arrogantly parade into their lives and show them how to use the Internet or how to be a business man as if they are so poor in their own cultures and therefore we should save them from themselves. Yes, the Christian church has made mistakes in the past of being the leading body of "we'll teach you how you should live" influences, but the Christian church has also been the largest and most consistent body of people who have come to successful aid of the poor. No other organization has provided disaster relief, aid to the poor, and sustaining of third world country's resources and lifestyles in the world. And many times the Christian church fully funds their own missions at literal cost to the workers volunteering to go provide aid.

The youth group will soon be embarking on a 30 hour famine. While 30 hours of fasting in acknowledgement of life outside of North America (and sadly even inside in some places) may sound useless to some, it is at least a start in having a more Christ-centered view of the nations. In addition to the self-awareness piece of the 30 hour famine, the youth have been raising money to send to buy food to send to those starving. Oh yes, these efforts can come with much criticism from those still sitting on the sidelines, but the fact remains that doing nothing can only be a profession for so long.

There are a bunch of ways to help provide aid to those who most need it, we must only see the world through Christ's eyes and obey what we have already been commanded to do. Why does it matter what others think or say? Why does it matter what we gain as a result of our works? The call is still the call. And one day, at judgement, we will all give a response for what we did and did not do with what we have been given.

What will you say?


Anonymous said...

You are so right that there is a large need, and that there are many ways to help, from directly obvious to quite indirect and even hidden. One of the biggest steps is to actually see the issues at hand, and a 30-hour fast is a great way for the youth to really understand what hunger is so why it is a problem. It's not just eating dinner two hours later than normal!

Yes, in comparison my computer trials (WAY more than expected) are trivial luxuries, and that fact I know fully well. I do, however, try not to be wasteful in whatever I do, try to return in various ways to others what I have been given or earned.

Aside: each time I visit your blog page I appreciate more and more that you have the ticker of Rachael's age. Brilliant!! Ooh, scary thought ... should I have one for my age????? *giggle*

love you all,
Aunt Yvonne

Anonymous said...

By the way, would it be okay if I specifically reference your blog, by link, in a blog post of mine? I really like what you have to say, and I want to be sure other family and friends have a chance to read it.

Monica said...

sure, Aunt Yvonne, you can feel free to reference and disagree any time. I'm jut happy you care enough to read and are blessed with enough time to comment.