Things around here have been. Work is. Home has always been.
We got a cat. We really inherited him from Mom and Dad.
He fits well. He helps with his purring and loving in the morning.
I miss her. I knew I would and time doesn't change that. And at different times during the day it's like the flood just catches up with me. And I want to hold her more than anything.
And I wonder how God ever gave up His Son. Especially when all I want to do is hold her close.
I just want to hold her - while I still can.
The youth are doing well. They appear to be enjoying their 'prime years'.
The weather's turning nicer. Evening walks are relaxing.
Exercise is endurance building.
And life is happening.
And every moment I get to sit next to my best friend on the couch, with his dog nearby, cat on the back of the couch and our baby in arms feels like I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
We've started a challenge. Philippians by April 2010. 2 verses per week. Me and Matt. And with God's fueling, I really believe we can do it. On my own... not a chance!
And so it goes, and so it goes... and you're the only one who knows.
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