Maybe it's the fact that Matt's birthday sign is still hanging by our table. Maybe it's that the diaper laundry needs done. And things need packed for the girls. And we missed Sunday School because the girls slept in. Maybe it's the extra flare of allegies that are making my stomach sour from the added mucus (mmmm, yes). Or maybe it's the fact that I view Mother's Day in terms of my Mom and Matt's. Or maybe it's that nothing abnormal happened this morning, the same kiss and goodbye as every other Sunday.
But today does not feel like "my" Mother's day.
I have this laundry list of things to do today - laundry included. And going to Grandma's house to celebrate her. And then there's trying to fit in naps and the question of where. And then there's the evening church service and everything that makes today feel like a small holiday celebrating something or someone else.
I'm not trying to sound selfish or complainy. That's not the point at all. Today just doesn't feel like My Mother's Day. I see the posts on facebook and the organizations' links to generic Mother's Day greetings, but it just seems like Mother's Day is happening everywhere but here.
Kind of odd, but true.
It's just the start of another day here. Normal breakfast needs from two little girls and one swimmer tag-along. Normal getting dressed and faces wiped and teeth brushed. Normal breakfast table conversation. Normal showering and getting dressed with nothing that really seems to fit or in which I feel comfortable in this baby-carrying phase. Quiet... normal.
I'm not expecting fanfare and quite honestly I don't enjoy being in the spotlight and am hopeful to avoid any Mother's day public attention at church when we go to service here later. But it just feels... like it's not My Mother's Day, but it's everyone else's.
So today I'll enjoy celebrating Grandma, remembering our celebration of Goga (my Mom's pet name) yesterday, and I'll run the schedule as normal, enjoying our girls and their delights.
Maybe it's just that Mother's Day feels like every other day because... that's what Mother's Day is.
Err maybe it's just the prego hormones playing with my head. ;)
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