"Jehovah Jira" - God the Provider.
Exhortation. A spiritual gift of encouragement. Exhortation is designed that another brother or sister in Christ would not just receive a pat on the back or a high five, though those are nice, but that a brother or sister in Christ would be spurred on toward Christ in the equation. Encouragement that after the transaction the sibling in Christ would be more like iron sharpening iron, not for the purpose of pointing out flaws and being judgment, but instead for pointing out Christ-like behaviors and encouraging martyr-like faith moments. A pressing on and encouraging of a brother or sister in Christ to run the good race, fight the good fight and keep the faith. Exhortation.
I've heard the argument time and again that women, especially, are in need of encouragement. Women are the "unsung" heroes of the kitchen (have you tasted my cooking? HA!), the martyrs in the home and the "unrecognized" population that keeps the household together. Therefore, I have heard the argument that women need "me-time" to recharge their batteries. Who doesn't like a little me-time, right? But while I too feel the comforts of the words roll off my lips and the overwhelming "agreed" label stamped on that statement, I wonder at it Biblically. Where in the Bible does it guarantee us a right or a just duty to "me-time"?
Please don't hear me wrong; recharging MUST occur for a woman to serve God through her family. But in everywhere that I have read and experienced in my life that recharging does not come from pedicures, massages (oooh, but sign me up!) and pampering days, but from the Lord.
I think we have begun to look at it a little backward. We have women's conferences to "recharge our batteries" and women's events to "press us on" and encourage our beaten down hearts. First off, I have nothing against corporate exhortation. It's nice to be among like-minded people and there certainly can be value to having an "I have been there" crowd of experience. But there is a deeper sweep that we must be careful of as women in Christ. This sweep in women's events says, "You deserve this" and "you need this" and "you need me-time through this conference". Here's the heart issue: where in Proverbs 31 does it state that the woman is seeking her-time? The premise of "I need me-time" is a heart of dissatisfaction. I am not happy with where I am and how things are, therefore I need a respite. It's not to say that the weak need a break, but it is to say that the context of "women's events" is often that we are overworked, exhausted with our responsibilities and pulled apart by our requirements. To me that is nothing like the Proverbs woman. The proverbs woman isn't staying up late at night to get stuff done because she has to. She isn't waking up earlier than her family because someone has a gun to her head. She is joyful. She loves her role in Christ. She adores her family. Her love compels her to service. Her desire for God compels her to real life.
Are you tired, women? Are you overbooked? Are you swimming in too much service to your family and your friends and your community? Do you feel like you’re expected to be everywhere at once and do everything to everyone? Or are you flowering where you have been planted? Do you view your motherhood and your wifehood as a wonderful opportunity to serve the Lord? I'm not talking about a Snow-White moment, but I am talking about Joy coming in the morning! (And no, that's not only for morning people. =]).
I would challenge the "need" for women's ministry events to "recharge your batteries" and for large women's conferences to "rebuild yourself" and "endure for the next year." I think that's a wrong view. The only recharging we need is Jesus - not some elaborate concert or run-down of exhausting speaker lists that leave us in emotion and physical need of a respite from our respite. Don't get me wrong, it's nice to have a worship set that helps us see beyond our window of Christian women. It's really neat to look out over a crowd and see a sea of women giving their hearts to the Lord. In some ways it feels like a little glimpse of Heaven-worship. But those concert and event junkies and even we semi-junkies need more of Jesus. We need to lose the "this is what I deserve or need to endure my Christian faith" thought. Do we really believe the Word is all we need? Was that even in the running of how to regain strength?
I'm going to step out on a limb here and say that if you are not enjoying your role as a wife or a mom and are finding it more draining than a "look forward to" experience then you need to evaluate your devotion times. Are you viewing God's gift of being a woman of faith correctly? Are you prioritizing the Word in your daily life? Are you seeking God as your only source of strength to renew your mind and change your heart? Or are you looking toward concerts, women's events and big gatherings to find your steam?
It is so dangerous to think of needing a "once a month" or "twice a year" event to define your Christian walk when the very Words of Life sit in multiple copies on your bookshelf.
Again, there is value in women's events. There certainly can be moments of Christ-honoring and self-sacrificing exhortation (and there can also be moments of "we need to control our tongue" that we always need to be looking out for). But we need to be VERY careful at making sure events are not advertised and feeding this "renewal" policy if we are at the same time making the claim that Jesus is more than enough. Events can have renewing qualities, certainly, but that is the job of the Holy Spirit administering through the Word of God that is present at the event.
Is Jehovah Jira enough?
Today, in this moment is Jehovah Jira enough?
It is a daily question. "Am I proving You are enough today, Lord?" Does my speech reflect my dependence on You? Do my thoughts about my husband and children reflect how sustaining and rewarding of a God You are to bless me with such responsibility? How about the way I respond to correcting my children, what does that say about what I believe about You?
Living a life of faith and being a Proverbs 31 woman pushes us to say, "in this moment, I surrender what I think I deserve for Your mind, Lord." And then to repeat that phrase in the next moment. and the next. and the next throughout the day. It's not about playing a role, but receiving your ministry from the Lord. For when I view motherhood and wifehood and house-keeper-hood (a technical term) through God's lenses they are not exhausting. Sure my body needs rest, God's seven day model proved the need for rest. And rest I must find and make. But my role does not become a hindrance of a burden when I shed all the other 48,572,865,728,067,580,267 ministries that ask of me and put worship into serving God through my family. Because out of my worship God through serving my family comes serving the poor and needy, praying for the Body of Christ, seeking opportunities to serve others and encourage others in their faith, God-opened eyes to the dying world, and a righteous walk in the Lord. Isn't that what we want? Daily lifestyle worship?
Jehovah Jira! You are more than enough! You provide all that I need and so much more!
Thank You, Lord.
Jehovah Jira has been part of our family lesson for this week (well... my lesson with the kids, unfortunately Brad misses out on the Bible lesson what with having to work and all that stuff.) It's something amazing when you really think about it - and even though my littlest ones can't seem to fully grasp it, I think my older girls did (and I think I may have, too!)
So cool when God begins to open our eyes... to what has been there all along. =) God is good. and patient.
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