Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Water Play Day

This week is one of Lexi's final weeks at our house before she starts her vacationing, summer camp and then on into her first grade plans. So with only 2 weeks of fun left for us around here (the 2 weeks have a 3 week recess in between), we've been trying to have themed-ish days. Monday we went to boonshoft children's museum and my camera lived on it's protected shelf at home. There's something about taking a few kids (one being a baby) that allows minimal extra hands for pictures. Tuesday, Lexi spent the day with a friend. And today was Water Play Day.

Thus the following 900 (kidding! No dying) pictures are from our water play adventures in the good ole backyard of fun!

 Happy baby cuteness - with teeth!

 O the fun, O the fun.
(THANKS MOM!!! They LOVE it!)

 Daddy adding hot water to the pool
- go on with your hypothermia-preventing bad self, babe!

 Please forgive Rachael, she's in an ugly smiling phase
(that is if you can get her to sit still long enough AND look at the camera).

 sweet intimate friends.

 pretty much how most pics go of this child - she's talking and not looking at the camera.
(photographer hits her head)

 Watching Lexi's daredevil jumping into the pool moves from the safety of a good distance away Rachael kept yelling "do it again!" hehehe. my little precautious one.

 Nothing like the joy of a good warm towel when the water gets a little too cool.

 Rachael working so hard to be "just like Lexi."

 And yes, even I joined in on the fun. But according to
precautious Rachael I moved around and splashed too much. hehehe.

 Outdoor picnic - I love our wagon. Useful in so many ways.

 mmmmm. good.

 the blonde-haired, fair skinned, we-no-like-the-sun shade section of our dining experience.

 Someone enjoyed their summer sun cat nap.
 (sorry for the slight fuzziness, my camera was thinking too hard. hehe)

 She is just tall enough to furniture walk around the exterior
of the pool, using the wall for balance, and O how it delights her so.

 Look! She does actually smile naturally! AND I caught it "on film."

 No matter how big she gets, she'll always be my baby Rachael.
My sweet little girl.

 You really have no idea how hard to was to capture this picture.
But at least we have 3 pairs of eyes and 2.5 smiles. =) YAY!

 YAY! BOTH my kids in a pic AND smiling. Woot! Woot!

Abi's getting brave in the corner, while Rachael delights in the sun-warmed water.

And what better than to end it all with a little cleaning water play in the good ole bathtub.
2 for 1 cleaning, suits and kids all in one. =) [Talk about simplifying, eh Jess? ]

And then the children promptly fell asleep for a long and sound nap time.
Mmmm the joys.
O How I love thee, Water Play Day. =)

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Two Lanes?

"Hi, I'm Monica Stauffer and I have an addiction."

I've never been to an AA meeting, and honestly have never drank (at all), but I'd imagine myself to stand up and admit this to an equivalent "Parenting Addiction" meeting. My addiction? You may wonder - it's being strict.

Now before you pull out the tyrant flag to fly in my front yard, let me take a brief moment to explain: (brief? is anything done briefly on this site? - HA!)

I believe kids need firm boundaries. (I know, I'm broken.) I believe love comes in sacrificing now to gain later from their obedience. I am not willing to use excuses, even good ones, about my kids being too young to discipline. I'm not talking punishment, I'm talking training my children in the way I want them to behave. I am old-school when it comes to being strict. There is an honest part of me that does not want to put myself into the position of being the Mother of a tantruming child who has never heard "no" until the grocery store. But I will be stubborn enough to refuse to reward a tantrum - REGARDLESS of if I would rather no one label me a tyrant. I am seeking obedience, not for the sake of obedience, but as an example of Rachael and Abi's love for me. Even at a young age, I think it's attainable for Rachael to obey - not perfection - but at least be able to tell you why I want her to listen to me. Again, I don't expect perfection, but I do expect obedience and consequence comes from disobedience. My expectations are clear and I try my hardest to be consistent. And I really want people to enjoy being with my kids as much as I do.

Downfall to being strict?

I begin to wonder if pattern obedience can come from any other method. I run the risk of believing strictness is the only way to raise a child - or the only worthy way? (don't judge me - hehe) I don't enjoy being around "out of control" kids because I have worked so hard to teach my children self-control. And this is hard because I am not some superior Mom. I'm really just trying to figure this out. But I am goal-focused in my interactions with my kids. And since my goal is not to be a tyrant and not to cater to chaos or selfishness there is a constant evaluation and re-evaluation of my parenting. Parenting is a balance. Only one of the problems that I am encountering is that being a strict Mom is going out of style in my generation. We seem to have exchanged good parenting with Lysol wipes. Now, I'm not hating on Lysol wipes, just hating on raising kids in a sanitation bubble. It's as if protecting my child from all germs equals good parenting. Daycares and schools can teach my kids respect. Or they are too young to learn how to treat people because "kids will be kids" when it comes to picking on siblings (AKA disrespecting siblings).

I really have moments of struggling, if I'll be honest. Struggling to not take it personally that I look "too strict" at times. And struggling to not get frustrated when my kid's obedience is labeled as "good natured" instead of the hours of hard work I have put into whipping them into shape (not literally, people).

I, like any other Mom, seek to compare my kids - not in a bad way. Are they doing ok? Is my parenting working? Are these kids really "off the chain" and I'm not aware of it? Am I being too strict? Only most examples that I am seeing are those "clear out, they're here" kind of kids that you hope don't hurt your kids at the mall. (hehe). Or those "how old is that kid and still sucking a pacifier" kids at the grocery. Maybe I'm a product of a small church. After all, my kids are 2/3 of the nursery population on a regular basis - and that's spanning 2 nurseries, people.

I just struggle to believe that lose boundaries really can produce "good" kids. Maybe that's because it feels like the "easy road" to parenting and it's hard to justify that the easy road works when I'm over here busting my butt.

It's times like these and questions like these that make me "just want my Mommy." Makes me want to run away from critical parenting world and "be Amish", segregated and doing your own thing with those who think like you (no these aren't my only beliefs about Amish people, just roll with the analogy people- wink, wink).

Parenting is personal. My kids are a reflection of me. And I don't know anyone that pours their whole self into something and then hopes it gets shot down.

I am so blessed to have a husband who supports me - even when I have "too strict" moments. He doesn't call me out in front of the kids, challenging my authority, instead he waits and talks to me about it when the kids aren't in earshot. He allows me to learn and grow and loves me through my insecurities in parenting. I am blessed. I am well aware. We are a team and I do not cast off the utter gratitude I have for the blessing of my husband. Thank You, Jesus, for my Matt. 

I just have real parenting thoughts - wanting to honor God the best in my raising of HIS kids. Not for a pat on the back from enablers (though kind words are reassuring), but for the glory of God. I want God's Name to get the fame for the way my kids treat people. I want God's Name to be desirable by testimony of the way my kids reflect my love through obedience. Christ Himself stated that obedience is a public display of our love for Him. While I am FAR less than Christ to my kids (oh the failures), I do know that the more Rachael and Abi want to please me the more they will obey. And Rachael and Abi will want to please me if they love me and feel my love in a very real way. They will have their fall-out moments of "For serious? Did you just do that?" I do not expect perfection, but I do expect them to want to obey me because they know I reward obedience. My unconditional love for them is not contingent upon their obedience, but my reward (not just tangible) is attached to their obedience.

I am proud of my girls. They are "good girls." They fail the perfection test (show me on person who doesn't!) and their eyes speak of the confidence they have in my unconditional love. AND their obedience is not their "good nature", sure it is their blessed temperament from God mixed with years ("year" in Abi's case) of hard work.  I'm no hero of a Mom (HA!), but I want people to want to be around my kids - even when I'm not there to keep them in line- because they are more than just moral beings, but because they healthily seek to please you through their respect and obedience (as that manifests itself through a 2.5y/o and a 1y/o).

- just thinking and struggling and evaluating my parenting policy while thanking God.

Friday, June 24, 2011

In and Out

Our application came in the mail today. We filled it in and sent it back out the mail today - we were ready peeps, we were ready. Now we'll see what God does with a little obedience and a lot of prayer.

And in the meantime, I've moved a desk, begun organizing the hallway closet, moved 2 dressers, tried to tackle the "I'm living on the guest bedroom all summer" laundry, organized my craft stuff, opened the guest bedroom closet, screamed and shut the closet, and begun planning a little bedroom remodeling for our whenever-God-chooses family member.

Seriously, friends, I'm loving life right now.

God is good!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Preparations Begin

We had finished a book about George Muller, having read of his adventures for nearly a week and a half of nap times. I'm not sure how much Rachael reaped from the book, but my harvest was great. I would encourage any and all to get their hands on a good George Muller reading. It could change the way you view prayer and obedience.

Orientation is still fresh on our breath, Matt and I sat through the first three hours of our adventure toward adoption. We have direction and a fresh perspective on God's potential time frame of this step. We learned that the licensure process takes about 6 months, with 36 hours of classes (now only 33 for us) and various inspections for our homestudy. The next step is the application. We're expecting it in the mail shortly and then we will complete it and return it to then be assigned our caseworker within two weeks. At the completion of our caseworker assignment we may proceed with classes, inspections and ultimately receive our license in 6 months. After the license is complete we are then cleared to receive referral calls at any time. Once we receive a referral call we get the blessing of praying about that child and hearing from God if that's our next family member. So in lamen's terms, we could hear of our next family member in a minimum of six months. Let's put that in the close terms that it is - that's as early as Rachael's 3 year old birthday. Now, God's timing is a different story. We'll find out what His timing is. But there are 70 children in the system waiting for homes. And our job is to be ready.

So getting ready we are: piece by piece we're putting together/cleaning out our "guest bedroom" to be our next family member's bedroom. Since we don't know the age of the child or the gender until the referral call we'll be setting up our extra crib and twin bed for the time being. And our job is pretty clear: complete the application/licensure, have the room set and vacant, pray, trust, and wait. God will supply the child. God will orchestrate the timing. We are just to prepare the field and ask for the harvest.

To God be the Glory!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Mommy in God

Here's a little something I read this morning that encourages a change of perspective for Moms out there. (click and read, friends.)

Now commentary:

Agreed - how much of a blessing and how God-honoring can we be in serving Christ with a heart of missions in our "every day" tasks. And yet I wish the article would have highlighted on one other thing - taking those exact words of encouragement to their fullest form - We are raising missionaries. Now our kids may never move to foreign countries (take a look around the US, the mission field is at our doorstep), but perspective and purpose changes when I think of my girls as beginning missionaries verses just trying to be moral and polite. Moral and polite are responses of humility and gratefulness, which are characteristics we receive in Christ. I don't want to create just moral kids, I want to create kids that want Jesus. For in wanting Jesus they will seek Him, obey Him, and serve Him.

In trying to help create missionaries, I tell them about God's work around the world. I want them to feel the joys and the pains in the work of our Father. I want them to know more and more of the Word of God. And feel bold and brave in Christ. There is a different focus and drive in thinking of raising missionaries because even the little things I teach, like sharing and not yelling at your friends (you know, just to name some random one - wink, wink), are not just for the purpose of having the prized toddler on the playground. It's because Jesus loves us and tells us to love others. And how are my kids or others going to know about Jesus unless I talk about Him?

Sure my baby kids are too young to grasp the fullness of sanctification and working out our salvation (we're still praying of their moments of salvation), but in my explaining and reexplaining what the motivation behind my actions are for my kids, not only am I allowing the opportunity for the lifestyle pattern of Christ to be normal in our lives, but I also am thinking more about God myself. Ever done that: Taught yourself a little something while attempting to teach your kids?

I don't have any idea when Rachael and Abi are going to make their first memory, retain their first Bible verse or hopefully, have their first Ah-Ha Jesus moment. But my job, my joyful and wonderful job, as a Mom is to provide and seek out as many opportunities as I can to teach about Jesus - even while folding the laundry. Not because I want to manipulate the time I have with my kids to be a formal teaching moment, but because Jesus deserves my every thought and my every word. And through me thinking aloud about Jesus to my kids, I am being obedient in training my kids up "in the way they should go" oh that they would not "sway from that path."

THIS is my hope and my prayer and my delight as a Mommy in God.


Saturday, June 18, 2011


You know it may sound silly, but after 2 months of looking for our wagon and trying to be frugal and most responsible with our funds, I said a prayer on Abi's birthday that we could get her the wagon. I was in contact with another lady about the wagon (I had contacted "a few" about their wagons) and she had not responded past my original interest. We were running out of time and I was starting to get bummed that we would have nothing to give Abi on her birthday. While she wouldn't remember, it mattered to me - enough so that I had been working on it for 2 months.

And God answered our prayer. You know, if God would have answered our prayer with a "no" He still would have been God and He still would be doing the best for us. It's just nice to know that even the little silly things, in comparison to eternity, that matter to our hearts matter to our Father. So thank You, again, God for the blessing of bringing these smiles to her on her birthday:
She loves it.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Sara Groves wrote this song after returning from a trip to Rwanda. For those of you who are not aware, Rwanda has a history of a mass genocide in 1994 in which approximately 800,000 people (approx. 20% of the country's population) were killed from the country's internal turmoils (longstanding ethnic competitions and tension between the minority, Tutsi, and majority, Hutu, people). Many women and children were among the victims that lay heaped in large dump sites. But this song was written after Sara Groves witness the Christians within Rwanda's dedication and efforts to rebuild the communities in Rwanda. These weren't foreigners coming in to "save someone from themselves", but Rwandan Christians' response to the tragedy within their country.

This song has a powerful message that resonates beyond the realms of this country's tragedy. I can't get the words of this song out of my head. As God has been changing me I have realized how much of a challenge poverty has placed on me. My obedience to God's call has so little to do with being unable to financially afford compassion and everything to do with my fears. There are a vast gamut of fears that have in turn kept me from extending the hands of Christ. It's so easy to get lost in the fears, some very real, of selling yourself out for Christ's work. And yet Sara Groves speaks the Holy Spirit's call on our hearts in the truth of God's love through this song. The line, "Your courage asks me what I'm afraid of and what I know of love. And what I know of God," burns into me.

What do I know of God? What do I know of love? Me, with Jesus Christ inside me. Me, with hope and promise breeding within me. See, it's not enough just to get fat on Scripture. It's not enough to merely be served by Christianity. My belief in love and my belief in God is proved in how far I will extend myself for God. Sometimes it's easy to see taking one step of faith as enough for a few months. There, God, I extended myself for Your glory, now let me be for a while. But God doesn't work that way. We can't manipulate Him like that.

You know, it's so easy to make excuses as to why serving Christ in the U.S. is so difficult and time consuming and hard. "I just can't seem to fit it into my schedule," being a mind-comfort for disobedience. Maybe we can even hide under the "but I'm taking care of this family that you have given me" excuse. Been there, done that. But Christians are so safe here in our country. Our biggest fear is of offending someone, not losing our life for God's work. And yet we still have our moments, and sometimes months or years, of bench-sitting.

I have been praying to be used for the Kingdom, not just to raise my family to think about God before meals. And it's a challenge to be changed and grown and matured and pushed by God. It's hard to explain the heart of God to those that don't seem to be growing or changing or moving in the same direction as myself. Certainly condemnation is not to be handed out from my lips for obvious moments of apathy among friends. (Sure glad no one did that to me.) That's not my job. But it's really an uncomfortable place to be in to feel compelled by God amongst comfortable-with-where-we-are people. It must be what it's like to be a missionary coming back to the States for presentations. How can I possibly sum up God's heart in a pretty package of pictures that will motivate others to reckless abandonment for God's glory? It's like that conversation where the other person in nodding their head and yet you know they've already checked out. (How many times have I done that?)

I don't know how to describe it. I don't know how to motivate others' hearts. I don't think that's my job. And yet I feel compelled to not be silent. I can't contain this kind of change into a pretty package. I am having a hard enough time rectifying how I have lived the way I have in the past, let alone encouraging others to give more of themselves for the Gospel. This IS the Gospel - giving of ourselves for the glory of God.

It is changing.
and cleaning out the old junk that doesn't belong here.

Because there's only room for Jesus thoughts that spur obedience.

I must decrease. He must increase.

"Something on the road, cut me to the soul. Your pain has changed me, your dreams inspire. Your face a memory, your hope a fire. Your courage asks me what I'm afraid of and what I know of Love. And what I know of God."

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Celebrating Our Abi

Oh your tiny hands and feet, how my heart longed to protect you from the first time I layed eyes on you at 5:08p on June 16, 2010. Your little snuggle, nuzzeling into my warmth. Holding you Daddy's hand. Perfectly contented to sleep... and sleep... and sleep.

And then there came the tension of you not gaining weight quite right, you just wanted to sleep. But after a few days of bootcamp, you started thriving and filling out. We were out of the lightweight scare without the need of intervention.

You started growing strong and you character started to emerge. My vocal baby, you sure found your lungs. But even when you were most worked up, touch brought you comfort. Oh there were the rough moments, it wasn't all sunshine, in which the porch swing seemed our only comforter. Oh the miles on that porch swing. But one thing remained - snuggling was a necessity. It's how you understand love.

So here I sit, a year later on your birthday, swinging you on the porch swing. Your calm, more than content to just snuggle into me and watch my face. Here in my arms is your preference, even though curiosity runs in your bones. Curiosity about the big wonderful world and the tastes of the plants and mulch nearby. But here in my arms you are calm, quiet, safe... loved.

Abi, my love, I always imagined our kid #2 would be wonderful, but you are unfathomable. From the way you cling to my arm when I hold you to that little pacifier smile and twinkle in your eye that says, "that's my mommy," you bless me so. God really has blessed me so with your warm little heart. And while you may be more than satisfied to just be held instead of investigating the world, and while my sidekick can sometimes be a bit of a challenge in tasks like one-handed-dish-washing or one-handed-laundry-folding, you are worth the challenge in every way. And it really is a compliment to know that you would rather just be near me than seek your own independence. The time will come when you too will spread your wings like your sister and set off on your own adventures of toddlerhood. But, my sweet little birthday baby, I am glad that that day is not quite today. I love holding you and snuggling you while I still can, my little Abi baby.

Happy birthday, lovey. Snuggles all around.


Oh wait, this tastes good!

All hands on deck.

No crumb left behind policy.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Practically Speaking

So I have a practical post here for all my helpful community out there. I was hoping you could keep a heads up for me regarding the following items. It's garage sale season and I have been searching for these lovelies to aid in the giggles for our little clan:

I'd really like a radio flyer wagon without paying a kidney - or 7 for it. So if you happen to see one in the 20-30 price range will you call me so I can snatch it up? I've been watching Craigslist (LOVE) for 2 months now seeking this item and was hoping to have given it to Abi for her birthday. But apparently that's not going to work out. I really would like the one with the seatbelts and the tall backed seats shown in the above link since my kiddos are so little that falling out of a wagon after it hits a rough patch in the grass is in their DNA. Thanks all.

*** Yay we got the wagon on Abi's birthday! (see above)

Also, if you happen to see a toddler climber this would be wonderful for our "in between" stage right now in our backyard play. It could be something small like this or something bigger. Rachael's not quite skilled enough to play on our big jungle gym (she's still very butt heavy in climbing the ladder) and it really just makes me quite nervous - and Abi - yeah right. So even if you were to find a "suntanned" toddler climber with a slide I'd be super happy to buy it within the 20-40 range again. Something like attached pictures above that's sturdy and all. I don't really care what it looks like and I'm not brand specific. I just can't rationalize spending that amount of money on a toy for the backyard. Seriously some of these things go for $600. That's feeding Tofic AND Lidia for TEN MONTHS!!! (gasps and dies).

We're also looking for a double jogging stroller with a swiveling front wheel. Matt and I are hoping to train for a 1/2 marathon because we are sincerely insane, but it's really hard to find babysitting 24/7. So if you find a double jogging stroller out there that's not trashed within the 30-40 range we would REALLY benefit from such. Something like the pictured above or whatever would be helpful.

Again, we're not made of money here and we're trying not to acquire merely a bunch of junk, but some useful pieces to add to our outdoor adventures. Used things are fantastic with us! Thanks for all you garage sale/bargain shopping goo-roos who have become delighted by this practical post. And thanks for not looking upon this post as a materialistic overload. =) Just trying to be frugal and practical all in one.


Saturday, June 11, 2011


You know, God is changing my heart. It's so hard to put into words. But suddenly some of the things I have valued seem to feel earthly and temporary. Stuff feels like stuff more. And Kingdom works are consuming my mind. I find myself consumed by the burdens, the hope and the promise of an all-sustaining God who provides every need.

It's in the face of the poor's needs that I question how I define need. It's in the way missionaries live that I question what I feel I deserve. It's in the heart of the gospel that I question my drive and my motive. It's in the blessing of our culture that I question my standard of success. It's in your face, Lidia, in your eyes, Tofic, that I am challenged to live a life of surrender and obedience. Where am I looking for Jesus today? Have I missed His life all around me?

Lidia and Tofic, you are normal kids - sinning, smiling, trying to figure out life. And I still marvel in the mystery that by me just admitting you exist and you have needs and obeying, my heart is drawn to Jesus.

You know, I truly believe that our faith is a journey, peeks and valleys, rough roads and smoother ones. And yet I also wonder how much of us is supposed to waver and how much of us are we to allow to be consumed by our culture's hierarchy. No hippy rebellion here, just trying to live with a healthy Godly worldview. Tired of shutting my eyes in so many ways and yet finding the hope in opened eyes, despite the desperate need of the world.

It's funny how God's call to discipleship doesn't necessarily mean leaving all behind will take us beyond the realms of our neighborhood physically. Though casting the net aside and following Him is still the devotion desired and required, God is opening me to the reality of being a missionary in my home. He can touch the world from our front doorstep. Oh what He has and will continue to do with a surrendered life.

I wonder how I've missed it in the past - been so caught up in me. It's like the blinders have come off and the sight has returned. Jesus is so much bigger than we give Him credit. Jesus is so much bigger in this world than we see from North America. I've prayed for missionaries in the past, but they still felt across the seas. Today they feel like next door neighbors. And I ring their doorbells when I hit my knees in the morning.

I find myself hurting for their hurts. I find myself crying over the poor's loss. I find myself inspired and desiring to be more obedient through the stories of the faithful and the God-exalting. Devotion stirs devotion. God's Word seems voidless. And all that changed is my morning routine. Who would have thought that a morning routine change would make Africa feel so close? He's changing me.

Oh the power we Christians have harnessed closely in prayer. Not the cheap brush-off kind of Prayer. I'm talking "I believe You can accomplish this" prayer. The power to hit our knees for more than a never-ending sick list. When prayer becomes more than a mode of gossip. When prayer becomes more than a "church thing". When you start talking to your Best Friend in the mornings (and at night, and at noon.. and ...) about your desire to add one more to His Kingdom. "Please, Jesus, even just this one more..."

Justice seems to matter more. Patience seems to be attainable. Prayer becomes a strategy in battle. Neighbors spread across oceans. Your heart breaks for injustice and overflows in accomplishment and joy. Love becomes more than enough if it's done in Jesus' Name. And discipleship feels natural when Jesus consumes your thoughts.

I don't know if my face is glowing. I don't really care if I scare some by the fact that I have seen God. All I know is, I don't ever want to be the same. I don't ever want to go back. I'm no less filthy than before, I'm just more repentant. And all I know is I want today to be a little more obedient than yesterday. That's a starting point at least.

My heart breaks for those who have yet to see - truly see - the heart of God. Oh, Jesus... you know my prayers. Open us up, Jesus. Please, Jesus, that You would be more and more and that obedience would be our worship.

- changing.

New Vision

I am finding myself in a new place,
Looking in the mirror and seeing a new face
hidden behind the old one.

Inside is changing,
Eyes are widening
and I don't want to go back.

You have become real,
Your hurts, your pains
somehow I am being changed.

Before I just sent the normal,
Giving only what I had promised
now i can't get you off my mind.

We think you,
We pray for you
we wonder how you spend your days.

And while you are an imperfect child,
In an imperfect world
we are seeing Jesus in loving you.

Lidia and Tofic,
we love you
an ocean away.

- thinking about our world vision kids again.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

As the days go on...

So this is what happens when you are sick: the world goes on and you are on the catch-up. After a week and a half of oogies, I think our brood is finally on the rebound. Abi missed the bugs - thank goodness, for that kid whined enough busting in her two top teeth to drive anyone to the edge. Good thing I was drugged numb (kidding). But poor Matt received sick wrath - FOR ONE DAY- while Rachael and I are still on the up rise from our suffering woes (cue the violins). If I could just vacuum suction out all the mucus (viewer rating tanks). ANYWAY.

So life is happening all around us. It feels like years since we've been outside and in the meantime some kind of huge deep red flower popped up in our backyard planter box. Perty cool, people. Perty cool.

Dakota has found herself a new home - it was her or Abi so alas, we opted to keep our daughter over the dog. But Dakota is and will continue to be well missed for a while yet. And, as with any family pet whom you have invested in and incorporated into your world, our love goes with her. Saturday was a sad drive to Indianapolis, but it is good to know that while the breed-specific shelter finds her a home her life is not in threat.

So with that change has come some decluttering (or simplifying, eh Jess) of our home as well. I've put up a clothes line in the backyard in efforts to thoroughly brand myself a "woman of another decade". No really, I just think drying blankets and sheets, etc on the line as well as those "we can't seem to get the stain out of them" whites is beneficial.

Only in picking up Material World from the library and thumbing through it a bit yesterday I've come to realize that clothes lines are more common than we "stuck in America's movement" people may have imagined. Talk about a book to readjust your worldview, people. The book goes about the globe and selects homes around the world to do a homestudy upon. They take a picture of all the material goods a family possesses after moving them to the front lawn or such location near their home. Then the book compares similar needs, like toilets, food, etc cross-culturally. Amazing to think of how little some can live on compared to how much we may convince ourselves that we need.

And thus, we've also been thinking and praying and hoping and talking about our efforts toward adoption. Matt and I enjoyed date night conversation walking kidless around the mall (loathe summer heat). It's so wonderful to get us-time to talk about what all we have been praying about and hoping regarding our family's future. I HIGHLY recommend date nights with your husband/wife. Crucial in any marriage to be on the same page.

So alas, that has been our life lately. And next week we'll celebrate Abi's first birthday (falls over dead). How quickly the time flies!

But alas, I must get going, it has been requested that I come read to the children while they soak the bathmat with bath time bliss.

Hope you are fairing well.