Thursday, March 31, 2011


I ran across an old Client's mother today. I was suddenly back in my old office - funny how memories work. Back came that previously-familiar awkward balance of confidentiality and still trying to be personable. It blew my mind to reminisce on my Rachael being 11 months old when I first came home to be a stay-at-home mom. Abi was still a hopeful idea as we knew little about her, but her strong kicks. That feeling of being on the brink of a world-flipping and yet still trying to keep your job and life in line. The hours of caring for others' children in therapy and group therapy sessions while wishing to just get the privilege of only taking care of my own. Oh the days of having a split heart - one desire to help others while that ache of someone else caring for my responsibility - my baby. And my client's sweet, smiling face. So funny the memories of encouraging my client's and client's family's pursuit of Christ, while trying not to lose my job in the secular world. It all came flooding back in that odd moment when the past met the present for a few minutes.
I was reminded that life is so short and so worth priority changes.

A dear member of our church suddenly passed away in a tragic plane crash yesterday. Matt had the hard job of accompaning Pastor out of the newly widow's house to share the news and help the widow call her children. In one instance an always-willing Bible teacher, father of three girls, husband of 51 years, and fellow runner after Jesus went to meet Christ face to face. Like Pastor said last night to his awaiting Bible Study class, "His faith became sight." It still feels surreal to me. I expect to see him on Sunday, him passing his Christ-honoring encouragement out to all he encounters. I still expect to see him in the church hallway, sharing about the utter joy he has for a new thing God taught him during his quiet time in the Word. We're all a bit shaken up. David Cowherd will be missed so much. And yet something in the back of my mind makes me smile, a sad hurt smile, but a deep smile nonetheless that after countless years of pouring himself over the Word, soaking in all that the Word projects about Jesus, and spending countless amount of time in conversation with others -seeking Jesus in all ways, our dear brother, David's face must have been a sight to see when he opened his eyes and saw... Jesus!...

Today just feels like a quiet day. A day of thanks for how far God has brought me, but also just a day to struggle to find words. A day to close my eyes and find silence. So many lessons He brings to mind. So many unanswered questions. And yet such hope that He has set before us.

Life can be so short. How will we be remembered? What difference will we make? What Kingdom work will we do?

That more would be left than our possessions.

That Christ would be lifted higher.

- A crown to lay at His feet. -

1 comment:

Mom said...

When Bobby passed away, I couldn't help but think of him giving his big bear hugs to Jesus. How awesome a picture in my head when I thought of Bobby standing before God bowing in humility and God smiling at him. Yes, it hurts when I can't talk with him anymore or get one of his big bear hugs or just be in the same room with him while he shares his life with me. But I too can't help but smile when I think of him where he is now.