haha, fooled you. And you thought we'd actually find out.
Well, what we did find out was the following:
- Baby's squished in there nice and tight with minimal movement (and no showing of gender with continually squished up frog legs and fist blocking the tell-all - again modesty prevails).
- Baby's measuring at 8.5 lbs plus of minus 1 lb for error. AKA, our baby could be anywhere from 7.5-9.5lbs, but is currently averaging out at about 8.5lbs of educated guessing based upon leg, arm, stomach and head measurments. The ultrasound lady said baby's stomach is measuring a bit bigger than average babies during our current weekly status. - Whatever that means.-
- Baby's heartbeat is about 136-137 beats per minute (normal and healthy).
- My blood pressure is good (thus far).
- And any and all other results will be further discussed during our Tuesday Dr.'s appt (provided that I don't pop beforehand - which in that case the stats won't really matter).
Didn't actually see a doctor on Friday so I have no idea if I've advanced any in dilation or anything. But the ultrasound lady said baby's head's really far down there and repeated that a few times when trying to get a good picture. (In my mind the further the better. BRING IT ON!) So we just keep on trucking here on the homefront with packed bags by the door. I have started feeling much more sore than usual and a couple other more anatomical signs are popping up to notify me that soon baby will make it's debut.
I'll keep you all posted as further joys arise. Take care everyone!
I love your blogs!! Thanks so much for your updates - they are fantastic!
With loads of love, and enjoying the suspense,
Aunt Yvonne
AHHHH!!! How exciting! Can't wait to hear that you have a baby!
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