Saturday, November 22, 2008


Tomorrow's 7 weeks until due date.
And I'm still able to get up off of the floor...
awkwardly, but that's still an accomplishment!
Not sure when it happened, but no I can't see my feet when standing.
(thanks mom for asking. hehe.)
Take care, all!


Renee said...

What a precious picture! You will treasure looking at prego pics and your little one will enjoy seeing all the pics of when he/she was in your tummy. Keep taking and posting the pictures!!

Dave and Gwen Elvy said...

Just think, your child and my grandchild will be able to read this blog one day. What a gift that you can share your thoughts in a transparent way.
I can't wait for your little one to discover first hand how amazing a mother you already are.

Dad (Elvy)