Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Mysteriously Mystifying

There is something mysterious about being on campus when few other souls are braving the heat with you. There is something mysterious about focusing on one soul class in a "let's get it done" mentality. I can't put my finger on it, but it'd something new and fresh. Something fun. Something different. And I like it!

I feel accomplished in defying the odds of taking summer classes. I feel I have purpose for these long summer hours. I feel I have a tangible task before me that will be accomplished. It's fun. I must admit. This nerd really thinks it's fun!

I like having only one class to focus on. I like having a challenge of choosing to do my homework when I want most to "waste time". I enjoy the simplicity of only balancing a few main things that are time and energy consumers. And honestly... who can beat the beautiful weather.

So while I may not be lying around on the beach in Florida (I'd get too bored too fast in all honesty. I always thought beach frying was boring. I'd much rather play in the ocean), I am perfectly content with taking summer classes, working and enjoying my "free time".

Thank you, God, for the blessing of Your joy and this beautiful day.
I love You.

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