Saturday, May 06, 2006

Clever Blades

I got back from the Attic (teen club where I chaperone) this morning around 12:45am. I still had a lot of Attic energy left and decided to use my energy to do some apartment-shopping organization and mapquesting. After completing those tasks, my brain was still wide awake. So I did what any college student in a similar situation would do... I read the user guide for a free razor that I got today at the May Daze/Cinqo De Mayo fair. The user guide was quite clever, believe it or not, in becoming less of a boring guidebook and more of an entertainment with every page turn. (I promise I'm not drunk or completely insane.) On the last page of the user guide there was the razor blade's final advertisement that caught a clever smile from my tiring brain...

"Schick Quattro for women...

change your blade cartridges like you change your major:

every week or so."

Highly amusing...

okay... bedtime.


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