Monday, May 29, 2006
Crowd Surfing Mercy
Saturday night, I volunteered at the Attic (a teen club). The Attic had a huge Underoath concert that was completely sold out for the final showing. The earlier showing had a fair turn-out, but nothing could have prepared us for the seven hundred teens and parents who showed up for the final show. Oddly, during the last show, I had less of a job because we were so well staffed. So, I found myself wandering about during the last band, Underoath. I stood on the "staff side" off to the right of the stage and watched as hundreds of teens screamed the lyrics along with Underoath's main singer guy. I had earplugs in (a God-sent) so I was sort of watching the events from a bit of a distant view. (Or at least that's the best way I can describe it to you. Want to know what I mean.. try putting in earplugs and functioning as usual.) But that's when I saw the most prominent illustration of mercy.
Let me explain a little about the set-up and the environment at that time to help you understand. The stage area layout has a waist-high bar to keep fans from rushing the stage. So there is about a two person wide walkway between the fans and the "stars". Security usually stand there in order to make sure there's no "fishy" business going on between fans breaking rules of "stay back" distance. On this particular night teens were packed so tightly into the "fan" space that there was this humidity that lingered above the crowd [and reeked]. All the teens were drenched with sweat. There were girls pressed up against the waist-high bar, screaming and reaching out for Underoath. Security had no problems with the seemingly "over-excited" crowd.
But as I looked further I spotted something. There was a girl who was pressed against the bar. She looked as if that bar wouldn't have been there, then she would have surely passed out. She kind of hung from the bar, screaming the lyrics until she was red in the face. I watched as she gave every last drop of dehydrated energy within her to participate, often gasping for air between lyrics. Her head was doused in sweat that poured down her face. And she wasn't the only one. There were so many other teens that looked just like her.
During the songs, various teens were thrown up into the crowd and the security guards leaned into the crowd to hold those teens as the fans thrusted them toward the gap of cement flooring between the audience and the stage. It amazed me how the security guards didn't ask the teens to quit the, quite frankly, dangerous sport of crowd surfing, but they just kept catching people as they were thrown at them. One security guard, Mark, waited anxiously for the next crowd surfer, standing on his tippy-toes to check if there were any coming.
And in between crowd surfing catches, the security guards did another act. Huge boxes of water bottles lay at their feet. They opened the water bottles and poured water into awaiting teens mouths. It was the typical picture of a mother bird feeding her baby a worm. And security also sprayed the crowd with water to keep them all from passing out from the heat.
It just amazed me to watch the balance of handing out water and catching crowd surfers. Not once did someone say, "Hey, hold on a second! This is getting out of hand. Stop your crowd surfing! Stop your pushing and just spread out so we have enough room!" You may look at this story and think, "Man, the attic staff are morons for not controlling that concert better." But I would like to stand in defense for the Attic.
These teens are coming to the Attic because they are in the process of rebelling against rules. They seek a "thriller." They want to experience what "everyone else" appears to be doing. The Attic was not designed for the saved, but the unsaved. Not for the found, but the lost. Wild? Oh, absolutely. The place is wild. But it attracts teens from all walks of life to come into a crowd which is doing the same things that other teens are doing minus the sex, drugs and unsupervision.
But last, night, it was such a huge picture of mercy to watch the security guards catch one teen after another and distribute water by the gallons. It was as if to say, "I am not going to make you stop living your lifestyle. I'm not here to judge. Just to love on you. I'm only here to love on you in a real way."
I have no doubt that those six security guards went home with bruises from the teens that hit them with flying elbows and knees. I watched a few of them get kicked. I watched some of them literally landed on by some not-too-tiny teens. But the response was always the same. Their arms immediately shot back into the air, ready for the next teen.
Thank you, Lord, for that vivid picture of having compassion on another.
Your mercy is Beautiful.
Just Keep Swimming, Swimming, Swimming
Yesterday after church I went Swimsuit shoppping. Now, let me remind you of one thing, this Monica is not a fan of swimsuits. Swimming? Oh, I could eat it up. Swimsuits... YUCK!
So, I discovered a few things while I was out swimsuit shopping. First of all, modesty is almost completely etched out of our society. Secondly, there are very few swimsuits out there that are designed to swim in. Most are designed to barely cover your necessities, but don't move or the thing might fall off. Thirdly, I am too "out of fashion" to shop at Target, K-mart, and Meijer, and too too "hip and young" to shop at ValueCity Department store. And, as I also overheard a mother guiding her daughter's swimsuit choice, I shop in the "old people" section. Now, I'm not really sure what the lady ment as she whispered to her daughter before vanishing into the newest partial-nudity of this day and age, but if "old" equals modest, then sign me up! I defaulted to Kohls. Yes, wacky expensive and totally frustrating to find only a few modest choices without being dressed like a whale. I found my pick in the "athletic section" though there were a few "athletic" choices in which I pondered their ability to stay on, let alone survive "athletics". So, the winning choice was... [insert picture] oh... {extremely sarcastic} BUMMER... the picture wouldn't paste. Man! Better luck next time!
So, the moral of my shopping experience? The fallen world is most certainly not rising any higher in their standards. AKA... SWIMSUITS STILL SUCK!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Those Days
Monday, May 15, 2006
Send some rain, would You send some rain?
'Cause the earth is dry and needs to drink again
And the sun is high and we are sinking in the shade
Would You send a cloud, thunder long and loud?
Let the sky grow black and send some mercy down
Surely You can see that we are thirsty and afraid...
But maybe not,
not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to thirst for You
How to bless the very sun that warms our face
If You never send us rain...
Daily bread, give us daily bread
Bless our bodies, keep our children fed
Fill our cups, then fill them up again tonight
Wrap us up and warm us through
Tucked away beneath our sturdy roofs
Let us slumber safe from danger's view this time
Or maybe not,
not today
Maybe You'll provide in other ways
And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
A lesson learned to hunger after You
That a starry sky offers a better view if no roof is overhead
And if we never taste that bread...
Oh, the differences that often are between
What we want and what we really need...
So grant us peace, Jesus, grant us peace
Move our hearts to hear a single beat
Between alibis and enemies tonight
Or maybe not,
not today
Peace might be another world away
And if that's the case . . .
We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need
And if You never grant us peace...
But Jesus, would You please . . .
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A 35 Drive
Today I drove down to my Practicum site in order to get a paper signed. On the way back to my apartment, the 35 East entrance ramp was closed. So I found myself riding 35 West to 75, then 75 to 675, then 675 exit 15, and back to my apartment. The trip was an unexpected time and gas muncher. Once on 75, God spoke up, "You have to take this journey anyway, you can either be peaceful about it or frustrated. But either way, you're still on this journey." I decided to wander in my thoughts about rescheduling the remaining time before work so as to be most productive and other joyous thoughts. After a few minutes, I was really enjoying the detour. And as I rode the looping entrance ramp onto 675 from 75, a smile consumed my face. I thought of when I first found 675 nearly 2 and 1/2 years ago. I thought about first stepping foot on campus and how confused and lost I felt. And then I compared it to now. Then in flooded thoughts of Apex. And my dad's words came to mind, "I'm impressed. You've really planted roots and found your connections up there." My daddy's right, because of God I really have made a place for myself and done the best with what I've been given. It was just really neat to think back and compare it all to now. It gave me confidence that no matter where my Lord brings me in the future, I can use it to glorify Him, if only I just rely on His character to supply all that I need and jump upon opportunities that I am given.
He is a good God.
Thank you, Lord.
Monday, May 08, 2006
No Dead Corpse Finish Line
Outside ... An Empty Pew
I walked by twice and saw you
anxiously you sat
I wanted to come in
but responsibility held me back
Dare I walk in?
My promise held me back
no empty seat beside you
dare I ignore my pledged duty?
My promise held me back
words ascended to Christ's ears
the response came
maybe the best support I can give
is from the outside looking in.
An Empty Pew
feel the tension
hear the lies
ignorant devotion
broken spirits
the pain of temporary defeat
consuming faith in mere man
highlighting reliance on grace
mercy is inevitable
Who now?
What now?
How now?
I can’t do anything
no words of mine can soothe
no hugs can erase scars from the Body
I will be beside you
But even in an empty pew
though this wallflower may appear absent
For no words can encompass the unspeakable
only a Savior comforts leaden hearts
those abandoned by the world
those lost in unacceptance
tempting tempest come not for our Hope
in Christ Alone
in Christ Alone…
all is well
in Christ Alone…
Saturday, May 06, 2006
Clever Blades
I got back from the Attic (teen club where I chaperone) this morning around 12:45am. I still had a lot of Attic energy left and decided to use my energy to do some apartment-shopping organization and mapquesting. After completing those tasks, my brain was still wide awake. So I did what any college student in a similar situation would do... I read the user guide for a free razor that I got today at the May Daze/Cinqo De Mayo fair. The user guide was quite clever, believe it or not, in becoming less of a boring guidebook and more of an entertainment with every page turn. (I promise I'm not drunk or completely insane.) On the last page of the user guide there was the razor blade's final advertisement that caught a clever smile from my tiring brain...
"Schick Quattro for women...
change your blade cartridges like you change your major:
every week or so."
Highly amusing...
okay... bedtime.
Monday, May 01, 2006
My weakness
Because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, for this reason, to keep me from exalting myself, there was given me a thorn in the flesh, a messenger of Satan to torment me-to keep me from exalting myself! Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness."
- 2 Corinthians 12:7-9
And I can see that my hands are trembling,
I can see that my legs are weak
I can see that my head is spinning, but I will overcome
And I know that my heart is hurting,
And I know that my soul it aches
And I know that it seems I'm failing,
but I will overcome,
O Lord I'm strong in You, O Lord I am wise in You
O Lord I can see in You, so I will overcome
O Lord I am loved by You, O Lord I am free in you
O Lord I'm complete in You
So I will overcome,
I will overcome,
I will overcome
~ And I will overcome not by my strength but by Your grace and love ~
-Charlie Hall, "I Will Overcome"