Monday, November 07, 2005

Mailed Mystery and Awe

As usual, I grabbed the mail on the way into my apartment. I sorted through the mail at the mailboxes in front of my apartment, trying to find anything with my name on it. I got a bit disappointed when nothing but ads read "Monica Elvy". Inside, I headed straight for the "coffee table" and sorted out the mail into 3 piles for my roommates. That's when I found the envelope. "Monica Elvy" read the square sunflower envelope. "Ohh, who's it from?" I looked for a return address, but there was none.
Inside my room, I opened the envelope to find a traveler's check with $100 addressed to me. "What?" I was confused. "Why would anyone send me $100?" Then my mind reverted to the mysterious $400 that had turned up in my mailbox last year with my name on the envelope. I flipped the envelope back over to discover that the address was written in the exact same way that the previous envelope had been written. See, you'd think an address would we written the same, regardless of the sender, but this case is not true. My address, when I give it to people, is not written in the same way as these two envelopes.
I stood there, staring blankly at the envelope. Then I discovered, unlike the last envelope, this one contained a letter inside. The letter contains the following;
You are an inspiration to me and to many others. Thank you for loving God and people. He loves you, and I know He will use you to do awesome things. Life can be so exciting! It can also be hard, so please use this gift to ease some of that and know you are loved and lifted up.
- heart -

No words came.
- Awe, pure awe. -
Soli Deo Gloria.

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