Thursday, October 27, 2005

Your Heart and Your Tears

So today I really wanted to go Home again. I'm struggling to find peace with accepting that God has put me here and chosen to keep me here for good reason. It's not even a matter of wanting to go to School Rd down in Cincinnati, I want to go HOME! I woke up this morning so Homesick that I just wanted ot shut off from the world. Everywhere I turned there seemed to be reminder after reminder that this world is not my home. After my psych class I finally just broke down and had a good cry. I was walking out through the trees coming to God with one of those prayers where you don't even have to say anything. You know? It just speaks from your heart and your tears.

Home, I want to go Home.

"Oh that you would rend the Heaven and come down today." (Isaiah 64:1)
The verse ran through my mind.

After some time passed (I really have no idea how long) I pulled myself together and began walking home. I felt a little better after crying in all honesty. At lease I had accomplished a good emotional release. As I was walking, I hit the play button on my CD player and these lyrics flooded my ears,

"Lead me on, lead me on
to the place where the river runs into your keeping.
Yeah, lead me on, lead me on
The awaited deliverance comforts the seeking.
Lead on!"

I love you, Jesus. All I can say is I love you.

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