Day 1
Month 5
Today Abi is 5 months old. That may not seem big to you in comparison to years of knowledge and skill, but for me it feels like a blink of an eye ago she was born and now she has five months under her belt. She's a real baby now - no longer that tiny, fragile, fearful stage. She's rolling over (all on her time schedule and not terribly predictable yet), playing with her voice, growing out of her baby car seat, sleeping 10 hours a night, standing in the bouncy-swing and running the world on the weekends. Maybe it's just me, but all of a sudden she feels huge. She's a little person and personality is blooming.
And thus I am thrown into the world of reflection; thinking of how wonderful her addition to our family has been. And how much has changed since college.
You know, it never ceases to amaze me to watch change unfold. Old college friends moving to different states, high school peers getting married and having families of their own... constant change.
And today I'm grateful to sit out on the front porch swing and sip some tea while watching the rain...
because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
... new life
... goodbyes
... more changes.
So today I'm going to swing and say my thank you's to God. Thank you for my husband, my babies, my family, my friends, my little world....
How big this world can feel... while watching the rain fall and sipping my cup of tea.
And thus I am thrown into the world of reflection; thinking of how wonderful her addition to our family has been. And how much has changed since college.
You know, it never ceases to amaze me to watch change unfold. Old college friends moving to different states, high school peers getting married and having families of their own... constant change.
And today I'm grateful to sit out on the front porch swing and sip some tea while watching the rain...
because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
... new life
... goodbyes
... more changes.
So today I'm going to swing and say my thank you's to God. Thank you for my husband, my babies, my family, my friends, my little world....
How big this world can feel... while watching the rain fall and sipping my cup of tea.