Yesterday at 3:45pm
ish our nephew came into this side of the world. John Alan weighed in at 8 lbs 6 oz. and 20.5 inches long. He came out with the
umbilical cord wrapped around his neck so he was blue and had some bruising on his face. But as time progressed his skin turned more and more pink and his
heartbeat was strong. Ellen is also doing well. She
obviously was exhausted, but really did a fantastic job keeping her cool through the almost 12 hours of labor.
As for us here on the
home front, Matt and I are playing Mary and Joseph this weekend at the church's live nativity scene outside. And we'll probably end up going to help Rodger at his work Christmas party for all the foster care kids.
When asked last night by the newest Mother in our church how I was feeling, my honesty was revealed. It's a bit less comfortable now and I look forward to sleepless nights with baby on the outside as opposed to the current arrangement. Ellen and Ron kept making comments that "this will be you soon" while Matt and I were visiting prior to labor. Yes, I can agree with them. But no I don't really want to think about it. It's
like that marathon run, you really don't want to think about how much it will hurt at the end, you just know you'll push through it as it comes. If I would have thought of that time at the end of the
athlon when I wanted to puke on the road during the start of the last mile while training I think my motivation would have been altered. So why dwell on the means of childbirth. For pregnancy is not had for merely the
roller coaster of labor, but for the joy of holding the child at the finish line.
So yeah, just trying to keep my eyes on the prize with each leg cramp, back ache,
nauseous moment, exhaustion, and much etc.
But you know... being able to address our baby as a Rachael or a David and knowing that Matt and I are Mommy and Daddy - the default- for that little one will totally be worth it all.
Matt and I decided that we're going to finish our prep for the baby at the start of the year. At this exact moment we have just about everything that we need to bring home baby so we're in the clear in case baby comes a bit early. But we figured after Christmas we'd evaluate what all we still wanted before baby comes.
Dakota appears to be adjusting well to the baby things as they slowly spread about the house. She's had some time to smell things and begin to be comfortable with new things. We have 2 last dog training sessions with her before we settle in for the dive into parenthood. Matt and I go to our last childbirth class on Tuesday and we get to have a tour of the delivery/nursery/mother unit of the hospital we're planning to deliver in. I'm looking forward to the tour - labeling me a dork.
Funny story, when walking through the emergency room after last week's childbirth class the receptionist in the ER asked with this huge smile on her face, "going to the fourth floor" (Labor and Delivery). "Huh? Oh no, the car," came my response. Matt and I laughed about it in the hallway after we got out of earshot. So apparently I'm looking a bit larger lately. Or as some may say.. "a bit ripe." I'll have to ask
Jenney to take a picture this weekend so I can share with Renee and Aunt Yvonne what everyone else sees on a regular basis and says won't last til January 11.
Baby's doing well with a consistently strong heartbeat. Baby's also in the head-down position, which means more pressure on my bladder, but less surprise bladder assaults. So now when anyone pats my belly they're patting baby's feet and butt. And for all the medical people I am not effaced or
dilated - which is a good thing for one who doesn't want to be in labor on Christmas. =)
In conclusion -
all's as well as it can be in our home.
How about you?