Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cat Person in Big Dog World

So I am a cat person. I confess, I confess. And to me dogs can be good and less good. Our dog wavers between the two sometimes depending on if it's tolerating the cat or not. See, I really like that Dakota is potty trained, listens pretty well (unless she chooses not to), and has not made it a constant habit of chasing Cheddar. These are good redeeming qualities. But this cat person is still alarmed by the sheer volume of our dog, the puppy-impulsivity, the big slobbery tongue that always seems to migrate toward your face, and a few other typical dog things. Are these things atypical of a dog? Heavens no. But for a cat person they take a little getting used to. But I think Dakota will soon learn that her best friend is Matt and her other caregiver is me. Don't get me wrong, people, I really care about this dog. I'll stand in that backyard and watch the dog pee because she whines when I leave her out there first thing in the morning. I'll do the work, the whatever it take. But deep inside of me I have and will always be a cat person. And my husband? a dog person. So now our family is pet complete. =)

Regardless of my stance on dogs and cats, though, you can't help but agree that we did get a really cute dog. And she really does have her shining moments (like right now as she calmly lays at my feet). New things we are trying to teach her: "settle" - not to be psycho in the house (we're actually limiting chasing games and rough-housing to the backyard because we don't want any confusion when baby comes), "sit" and "lay" - how to listen to us say them and then do them, "stay" - she really has a tough time with this one, and in general the lay of the land when it comes to this home. So far she's not doing too bad. Some moments are better than others for me and her alike. And when it comes down to it, I have to remember that Cheddar as a kitten used to pee and poop in unwanted areas, attack the dishes at night, refuse to be touched, howl at the door and head-butt it, and other less than desirable things. But look at how far he's come. That's hope for Dakota right there.

Cheddar's good when he's at eye level, but the floor's a different world

a favorite position

Niagara Falls

Vacation was wonderful. The falls were beautiful. Time away was marvelous.
There are so many pictures and stories, but I'll just do my best to sum it up quickly and nicely.
Matt and I went on our surprise Thursday night to Beauty and the Beast ( a dinner theatre) and had a wonderful time. We sang our favorite songs for the remainder of the weekend.
Friday I got off work earlier than expected and we were on the road by 11am. We got to Erie Pennsylvania by about 5pm, went swimming, ordered in Chinese Food (a tradition), and conked out. Saturday morning we headed to the Falls, went on a 5 hour tour of the Falls (complete with seeing some of the original rafts created by those who attempted to go over the falls), grabbed gyros and conked out. Sunday Matt and I recovered from the busy day before (primarily me), revisited some falls parts, found an Applebees (huge victory for we who were tired of tourist food), saw the Falls lit up and some fireworks, and conked out. Monday we made the treck home while leaving the best for last... crab legs at Red Lobster to celebrate our 1 yr anniversary.

Some vacation quirks and perks are the following:
  • passing a car where the driver's foot was hanging out the driver side window (decreases confidence)

  • Hollering random Greek words (mainly "Bleppo") during vacation - Matt had studying to do for an exam and I was "helping" by defining many vacation experiences by the three Greek words I know. And you know what? Not a single experience did I have trouble labeling a Greek word. I'm that good.
  • foreign guy who knew as many English words as I know Greek offering to take our picture and then standing uncomfortably close to the falls and moving around a lot. You should see the picture, Matt and I look a bit intense and decided soon after not to let anyone else take our pictures.

  • and many more that I will have to share at another time.

And last but not least... more pictures.

american bridal falls

lit up falls

For Renee

Bad picture model, but it'll have to suffice.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Fight or FIGHT

She paced around the backseat, restless from the middle of the drive. And then I looked in the rear-view mirror. And her ear and half of her face were pressed into Matt's cheek as Matt held her in a bear hug. She stayed there for five minutes and stopped whining. - Instant buddies.-

"Let me go in first, " we strategized, "and that way the first meeting isn't a husky running through the front door." I crept in to find my feline, purring and rubbing my legs.
"Oh buddy... how you're going to be horrified."
After a trip to the potty, I went back out to retrieve my husband and Dakota. Matt had found a neighbor to chat with and handed off Dakota to me. Since I consider myself to be of sound mind in most occasions, I decided to wait for the expertise of my husband before attempting the first meeting. With expectation of a hissing brawl followed by taring through the house and a dive under the box-spring, in we went. Matt had Dakota outside and I went inside first to find Cheddar wandering in the back of the house. With the normal routine of petting, he ran alongside of me as I walked from our room. "Buddy... you may want to go slower." He ran under the table for a second, doing the regular rounds, as I stepped outside. Then we all came in. And when Cheddar caught sight of Dakota the hair began to rise, the back hunched high, and the pupils got HUGE. He wouldn't take his eyes off of her as she pranced about the house on the leash. When she left the room with Matt, Cheddar followed, occasionally returning to me for reassurance through petting. But that brave little booger just kept right on following her down the hallway. But once we got to the hallway and she got too close.... HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
From then on, Cheddar backed himself into places (like under the table) and hissed at Dakota (which she interpreted as playing and bounced about) and Cheddar lunged at the dog 3 times his size. Flight was never an option in Cheddar's book. It was fight or FIGHT!

So now, nearing Monica's bedtime, Dakota finds herself "in bed" (her crate) and Cheddar is laying 3 feet away from her... in plain view.... just watching. With preparation to hunch up, hiss, and attack with little provoking.

Well, thus far no bloodshed. Now all we have to do is teach Cheddar not to lunge at Dakota and Dakota not to view Cheddar as a cheese-it. But as for today's work... Cheddar remains loving towards Matt and I. And Dakota hasn't outright attacked my kitty, so I'd consider it a success thus far.

We'll see about tomorrow...

Traveling Home

I can claim to be a cross-country, out of state (for 1 semester), out of city, out of town, and across the parking lot mover. And despite the fact that I’ve only moved a handful or so times, I have learned a few things about moving. #1. Home feels funny for a while. #2. Some friends trickle off. #3. Eventually “normal” catches back up. And #4. Moving is always done best with someone else as opposed to all alone.

I mention this now because normal is beginning to reform again in my life. Or in other words, Matt’s words, “It’s funny how quickly we adapt. Our apartment living seems so far away now even though we have only lived in the house for a month and a half.” When the word “home” is said, where do you think of? I think of the walk down our hallway (the direct center of our house). The feeling of the carpet on dirty bare feet. The sound of the AC and the water heater’s random outbursts. And I think of the kitty running beside you, reminding you of his level of starvation. The husband, waiting at the end of the hallway or in the office.

It’s that home that you look for after moving. It’s that home that you yearn for at the completion of vacation. It’s that home that you want at the end of the workday. It’s that home that I find myself randomly missing as the work day drags on. That space of “away.” That space of warmth and complete love for the weak and strong in you. It’s that home that we hope to bring this baby to. And soon, that this puppy will completely rearrange for a few weeks or so. It’s that home that Matt and I had a long conversation on the drive home about sharing with others. It’s that home. It could be anywhere.

But it’s home.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A Feast Attender

After this, Jesus went around in Galilee, purposely staying away from Judea because the Jews there were waiting to take his life. But when the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near, Jesus' brothers said to him, "You ought to leave here and go to Judea, so that your disciples may see the miracles you do. No one who wants to become a public figure acts in secret. Since you are doing these things, show yourself to the world." For even his own brothers did not believe in him. Therefore Jesus told them, "The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil. You go to the Feast. I am not yet going up to this Feast, because for me the right time has not yet come." Having said this, he stayed in Galilee. - John 7 : 1-9

I've been reading John lately in my quiet times. I enjoy a good bowl of cereal and John. John's theme regards the Deity of Christ. The all-knowing, fully God and fully man Christ. Prior to this passage Jesus had just fed the multitude the fish and loaves and explained his Deity and salvation to a Jewish leadership population who did not understand. These same Jewish leaders were seeking to kill Jesus due to his claiming of Deity.

As I read this passage, I wondered what Jesus was saying through the statement, "The right time for me has not yet come; for you any time is right. The world cannot hate you, but it hates me because I testify that what it does is evil." All I could think was the following: Jesus' brothers spoke in words of disbelief. Therefore, disbelief is not a threat to disbelief. But Jesus was such a threat because he made the defined line. Right and wrong. And those who stood on the wrong side stood with arrogance and frustration that they were "of Moses" despite the fact that "of Moses" failed to exist. Christ stated earlier in John that Moses condemned, but He came to save. See, the Law defines that all can't live up to it;s standard. Who has never hated another? Who has never kept from disrespecting their parents? Who has ever chosen their own good over another's? Yet Christ came preaching the Truth of that Law. And since it was not seen that the Law was a division, the division was attributed to Christ as well. Jesus came with a sword. But He didn't just leave with a sword, He left with availability, a torn veil, an open communication line.

Beyond those Truths, I wondered if the world would see me more as a threat because I live my life with clear definition of right and wrong... or if I could merely "go to the Feast" and blend in. Am I threat to the world? Or am I merely a product of a culture? Because no matter if you're "of Christ" or outside of Christ, it can be seen that Christ came not as a peacekeeper, but instead created a line of division that the world has been struggling with since his first coming. After all, aren't we supposed to be Christ-like in our behaviors? For what is Christianity without Christ?

- what do you think? -

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Take Two.

Still thinking that looks uncomfortable. - even though now that image is a bit more accurate.
After all, why would one so full of surprises stop at just the positive test. Why not continue those surprises through things like this and then there's the waking up one morning and the pants you wore yesterday don't fit anymore. Oh and then there's the that that comes along with the whole surprise element too. Never a dull moment for the two of us here... sharing much of me. =)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Some Numbers

Countdown til:
  • Vacation - 3.5 days (we're leaving Friday early afternoon)
  • Baby Dr. appointment since ultrasound - 3 days (Thursday afternoon)
  • Matt's surprise - 3 days (Thursday night)
  • Evenings left to pack and chill out before vacation - 1 (youth group Wednesday)
  • Get dog - 8-10 days
  • Matt's seminary schooling officially begins - 0 days
  • I check out and stop wanting to go to work cause I just want to go on vacation - 0 days
  • People ready to go on vacation - 3!!!

Sunday, August 17, 2008


Yes, dear ones, Matt and I have officially lost our minds. We went and met puppy yesterday night. The drive to the boonies was nice. And as can be read in this title, we have made a decision.

She jumped on us, had etchy potty-training reports, tore through the house like a Tasha at night-time... and yet she captured our hearts and we couldn't help it. Her beautiful colors, "big dog" standing, redirectable behaviors, cage training (entering the cage on the command of "go to bed"), shot records, and other perks overcame the amount of training that Matt and I may need to reinforce with the 11 month old. Behaviors? Correctable. Now we just hope she doesn't cause Cheddar to get into too much of a tizzy.

We're due to pick her up in about a week and 1/2 after our anniversary trip. Matt and I are ECSTATIC about our upcoming road trip. Both of us are more than thrilled about this highly welcomed mission to Niagara Falls.

In other news, yesterday I managed to get some more yard work done on the house, this time in the back yard. All the while Matt enjoyed setting up his fantasy football league, which he appeared to have much delight in doing. And we saw one of Sarah's first high school soccer games. Talk about a proud brother and sister-in-law as we sat under the bleachers in the shade of the 400 degree day, right at eye-level of the game. Yeah... we definitely found the spot everyone else that was melting in the bleachers was wanting.

Oh, and also... I'm now at 19 weeks for those of you who would like to know. Matt preached a good, hard one today reminding the Body of Christ what we stand upon. I am proud, what can I say. I think I'll keep him. =) Cheddar just ran off with an old guitar string in his mouth. I think he secretly desires to be a cyclops. Oh and Robin directed me to which is a free website where you can set up an individualized radio station based upon enjoying particular genres and styles of music. So I have been enjoying a themed blog entry with Over the Rhine and Sara Groves in the background.

Anyway... enough fun for today. Baby's hungry and I better get to walking next door (church)here soon.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Baking Children

I've gotten the opportunity to hear some interesting commentary as I have begun to stick out a bit. But today I heard the most unique one yet. "Someone's got a bun in the oven," a lady commented as we left the eye doctor.


Monday, August 11, 2008

The one?

So this is the one we're looking at and will get to meet sometime this week. If she is as good as the owner has spoken to us regarding being house trained, cage trained, kid and cat friendly, we're highly interested. In fact, at this point her character would have to be a real downer to change our minds. But we figured with Matt 100 feet away she could play in the yard for 1/2 the day, be put in her crate for the second 1/2 of the day (3-4 hours) and then the rest of the time she'd be with us. We've even already had an offer for someone to watch her one our 4 day anniversary if we needed to get her sooner. But after talking with her current family, they said they'd keep her until after our anniversary if we can stand being away from her for so long. =) So yeah... we'll see soon... oh and FYI, she's 10 months old which is not exactly what we were going for in looking for a grown-up, but regarding the fact that she'll be 1 soon and the average lifespan is 10-15yrs with very few owners giving away them prior to 8yrs, we thought we could bend the rules just a bit. Besides, having a young and moldable one right before baby comes is not necessarily a bad idea. My primary concern is that she doesn't eat Cheddar. And Matt's primary concern is that she doesn't repetitively pee on the mansion's carpet. Both viable concerns. So again... we'll see after we go meet her, watch her interact with the family's 4 yr old and walk with her. More to come soon regarding the outcome.....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

The Weird Ones

I remember us sending them off... the weird ones, the misfits. Plane ticket in hand they stepped onto the platform and into the spotlights. Each one cringed at the lights, squinting to find reality again. Each uncomfort worn on their sleeves revealed potential loosing streaks in poker. They were raw and unfancied. They were dismissed and forgotten. Every once in a while their names would appear in the bulletin, a constant reminder daily forgotten. And then some came back, fire blazing in their eyes. And others didn't return, they had found a new home. Those who came back tried to re-live here. They tried to find a peace amongst war. Oh but they just stuck out like a sore thumb, an ostrich among pigeons. Some of them left again, they couldn't take the tension of living in a fake reality of self-indulgence and greed. They pleaded for the hungry, the sick, the lost. And we entertained their pictures and some of their shorter stories. And then we moved on... afterall they were the weird ones, the misfits. They needed to go back to the mission field. It's the right place for people like them.

Have you ever felt isolated because you saw a Truth no one else seemed to see?
This world is not our home, Christians. We can't stay here.
We can't get comfortable here with our matching furniture and 12 pairs of shoes.
The world is not ours.
Where'd the harvesters go? Where'd the obedience go?
Or did we just trade it for radical for the sake of radical?

-a self-reminder-

Saturday, August 09, 2008

I think it's safe now

So a while ago in May to be precise, I got the opportunity to play. Jes in her wonderful ideas decided to make a special gift for her hunny. And while I was trying to still figure out the sweet camera I borrowed from my friend, some neat shots arose from the "to be deleted" category. Thought you might enjoy seeing a few. Cause reader... this is what Monica enjoys. No, I am not any good at it and yes I borrow a friend's camera. But I really do enjoy taking a picture that captures a thought and an emotion. And just maybe some day I'll actually get good at it. Ehh... probably not. But it sure won't keep me from still shooting. =)

Anyway.. here's studio Jes and friends who helped her and 2 outside shots:

an unexpected shot seen and actually captured

a posed but fun

just caught

(which was hard cause she's a mover)

Jim on the keys

it actually started raining for us which was pretty cool

(Daddy was even outside holding an umbrella so the camera wouldn't get wet.

I felt all photographer-y. - Dad's great!)

this one I think she ended up using on the front cover.

after taking it I wondered "what is she thinking?"

and then this one's a little blurry, but I still am kind of drawn to it for some reason.

July 5th

You know... I always thought she was beautiful.

Can't you just see her gentleness?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

Nothing Really

I don't really have much of anything to say so I figured it was a great day and time to post. Today's been a headless chicken day here at work which I guess is due to me because the last two days were so productive. Ate salad for lunch and baby LOVED it! Ranch dressing is amazing despite Matt's "want to vomit" feeling when thinking about kissing me after I have consumed Ranch. (love that man, he's hilarious.) Last night had steak at the Stauffer's house in celebration of Barb's birthday. Despite feeling nauseous, baby loved the steak and gave up on it's torture of me shortly after it was consumed.

Dorkily, I'm excited that we're getting the Internet all set up at home tomorrow. I look forward to being able to post pics that I've actually taken again. This excites me being as how it's been a long time since I've lost my jump drive and have been able to track down a consistent computer to upload my pics and post them. Yay for all you two readers out there as well because that means potentially less of my words and more stalker material.

Matt and I actually have a house phone line now (haven't had one of those in 3 years). Don't ask me what our phone number is, but by golly we have one and when we are ever home we'll be sure to check that answer machine and then forget to call you back.

The countdown to Niagara Falls is already going in my head. Despite not being a numerically based countdown, I am more than aware of how quickly August 22-25 is arriving. Also Matt has some kind of surprise on Aug 21 that he is absolutely thrilled about and enjoys teasing me regarding his mysterious plans. Thus far all I know according to Matt, "I've got your King's Island right here," [referencing to a good time] and that it's something that we'll do together. Beyond that... who knows?

And lastly before I go pee, I wanted to share that Ellen gave Matt and I some baby clothes that Becka used to wear. And you should have seen my husband's face light up when he came home from work one day to find me sitting on the nursery floor folding tiny little sleepers. It was so neat. And the clothes are just darling. So, my dear faithful readers, we now have a few of our frist baby clothes, despite having little direction from baby.

Lovin' life. And finding myself with many reasons to smile.
Hope you can say the same.

Tuesday, August 05, 2008


This being an adult thing is complicated. Today we went to another meeting about something that none of us wanted to hear about during our only free “lunch” hour of the day. And with a stack of new papers on updated policy, all of us employees felt one more life-fulfillment settle in. This meeting did have some value in that it stirred up a conversation with a fellow employee regarding family priorities. It was interesting to hear the experience of a mom of three kids (6, 4 and 9 months) who had been fired from a job prior to this one.

She carried on about the struggles of being the full-time employee in a household where a husband is about to lose his job. She talked of the years of sacrifice and struggle to find child-care as well as her faded and lost desire to be a stay-at-home mom. “We could live off of one salary,” she explained, “But right now it looks like mine.”

And this conversation opened up a whole world of thoughts as she spoke of all her friends being stay-at-home moms. She spoke of the value of private schools in socializing children. She spoke of the value in switching from her old 60hour per week job to this 40ish hour per week job. She spoke of the joy of offering her children herself after a day’s work instead of a tired mom who is swamped with paperwork. But she also spoke in regret at missing parts of her children’s lives.

It’s kind of sad that life requires the trade of job for family so many times. It’s one of my greatest struggles, which according to a dear friend will only become more and more of a struggle. There are good employment moves; from 60 hour jobs to 40 hour jobs with higher pay. And there are good family employment moves; from full-time to part-time in order to see your family more. But through this conversation we both resounded on the same chord: three years old only happens once and you’re either there for their discovery or you miss it.

I wonder what sacrifice my family will take due to my past education. If it weren’t for school debt, our finances and current lives would look much different. Yes, it’s the hand I chose to be dealt. There are just times that I wonder if I would have chose that hand knowing that it would greatly impact the little one within. Knowing that it would greatly impact the amount of time I can see them…. And watch them grow…

Choices I make today, choices we make today will affect the amount of time I have to give this little one. But part of me longs for the poverty of my childhood… because at least mom was there constantly. Oh I’m sure she had her regrets and her “I wish I could give you this” moments in which finances were so strapped that birthday presents and Christmases weren’t quite what they had dreamed. But she had herself to give… and she knew it was the greatest gift she could give us.

But who knows… maybe some day Matt and I will be able to make our cake and eat it too. Until then we get to keep fighting the fight of every full-time mom or dad, wife or husband; balance. It’s a “balance” that leans in the weight of our family, but doesn’t topple our job.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Ughday

Friday we went to support a friend at his art show. It was neat to see some art and make fun or some other art with Matt (tastefully of course). And it was particularly fun to eat the "opening reception" cheese squares, grapes, and sour-dough bread. "I think the last time I went to an art museum was in high school," reflected Matt. I was appreciative of his willingness to adventure into untrod territories for the sake of supporting our friend. Overall, despite being "ready to go" with the increasing crowded-ness, Matt and I had a really good time.

We had "the kids" over this weekend. And despite being pregnant, I managed to sorta keep up with the energy of of a 9 y/o boy and a 14 y/o girl. I felt accomplished, especially for this woman who lives for her 4pm naps. We got them Friday night after Sarah's soccer practice and the art show. And after ice cream with Matt's parents, we went home, put a movie on for the kids (AKA my brother and sister in law) and I plopped into bed.

Saturday was filled with activity; waffles resulting in two burnt and bubbled fingers of mine, pet store trip resulting in 9 y/o squeals as Franklin devoured scaled delicacies, a game of catch in the yard, a trip to the mall for much-desired on my behalf pretzels and visiting a youth during their shift, and a trip to the park resulting in dripping sweat and a small welt on my arm from being hit by a Frisbee from a game I wasn't playing. On top of all that fun, I learned, once again, that "kids" break everything - especially cat toys. And when left to their own demise, a 9 y/o can be very obnoxious, despite how much you love him. As "the kids" left our house, Matt and I smiled at each other and felt this wonderful relief that they don't come out 9 y/o.

Sunday mom came to visit. And we had wonderful conversations about all kinds of things. It was really fun... and really relaxing. Matt and I really enjoyed mom coming over. We both expressed our thankfulness for good adult conversation.

And today... is one of those sick days I should have called in this morning, but I couldn't afford (in more ways than one) to use sick time, especially after last week's sick time. It's one of those "suffer through it" days in order to convince my boss that I can be reliable despite carrying a puke-inducer. But it's also one of those days that I just wanted to fall over and die. After laying on Matt's chest for 10 minutes moaning internally this morning, I pulled myself into the car, eying the puke-bag, and dragged my feet to the office. And here I sit... greenish-pale, fogged-out, heavy-eyed, head-ached, and stuffy-nosed counting the seconds until my freedom. A freedom to take my after-work nap which may end with a Tuesday alarm.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Changing Tides

Isn’t it funny how …
  • the new favorites are now the “who is that?” shuffle list
  • the family you once couldn’t stand is the family you now can’t live without
  • the quiet once thought to be “old” and “boring” is the quiet now dreamed for
  • the plain hairstyle is the one now considered or even desired
  • the nights out have now become the movie nights at home
  • the hope for that awaiting career has become the drive home from the office
  • and the eyes of the child are now the experience in the adult looking from mirrored glass