Have you ever looked back at how far God has taken you?
I ran into some thoughts about high school this morning. How "back in the day" it felt. Those thoughts drew me to thoughts of junior high. And those to elementary school days. And before I knew it, I was back at Elphic road, watching the California clouds.
How far my Lord has brought me. I remember riding big wheels on the dirt trail in the field by the Elphic road house. Dirty feet, dirty hands... lovin' it. And then the first glimpse of Cincinnati from I-75 in Kentucky. I remember as my sleep eyes embraced the glowing unknown. Or what about the time I tapped my pencil on my desk in forth grade as we were working on some classwork. The clicking broke through the silence. "Monica, please stop." "Okay," my words came as I went back to my work. "Monica!" the voice came again, and that's when I realised that I had ever intention to stop, but I was so focused on doing my work that I paid no attention to the fact that my pencil had never missed a tapping beat. Oops, how out-right disobedient I must have looked to her eyes. I was too ashamed to tell her. (hehe). Or how about being picked second for a football team in fifth grade because I ran so fast and none of the boys would tackle me. Oh, the joy I found in being a secret weapon. Or how about getting the opportunity to run at the big High School track. To an eighth grader there is no more adult feeling. And then the feeling of driving to school for the first time. I might as well have left a lexis in that parking lot instead of that poorly parked, rusted white Toyota Corolla. Oh, but to be able to leave school and get into a car to drive home. All eyes sure felt like they were in awe of my adult-ness.
Oh where the Lord has brought me.
To Tennessee in a fleet of "I am super old". That overwhelming feeling of independence that came with the first day of classes. I have my own schedule. My own choices. My own success. And then at Wright State, feeling home was rightfully close... while still being far. And that feeling of... I really can do this. I really can be independent.
And to move off campus. The first feeling of "no strings attached" to campus life. The first feeling of home coming with having a kitchen table and a couch is indescribable. And to have something that belongs to you... that meows? Responsibility has never sounded so sweet or felt so soft.
And now to be touching the edges of "the next step".
It's amazing to think of how far God has brought me. How far and how much He has taught me.
How much.
How deep.
and how far He will take me...
that's my Father.
that's my Father.