Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Dog Feet

I went to the bathroom before class.
Those cups of water surely wouldn't make it through the next hour and a half.
I looked down.
I was surprised to see a dog's feet in the stall next to me...

For a split second I forgot we were such a handicap accessable school.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

1, 1, and 214

Today's 1 year and 1 month.

214 days.

*** FYI... random, but neat pictures. ***

Friday, January 19, 2007

Drinking Cup

So today's my 22nd birthday and in light of my birthday, I went to an all-day seminar on Death and Dying.

The prof of this seminar was a fun-loving storyteller of life experiences. He was such a grandfather figure and his stories about life made the seminar so worth attending. [His Hungarian accent was fun too.]While there were many stories of laughter, others just captured the unspeakable value of God-given human life.

One such story arose in a quieter moment of the seminar.

I want to share it with you, in his own words;

'There was a bunch of Jews and they were taken off to the Holocaust and killed....

And the people were coming back and getting more.

And there was a boy ...

and we took him and took a drinking cup of water ....

and he was screaming because he didn't know what we were doing....

But we baptised him. We said the words and all....

And we ran down the road to the priest and we told him we baptised him and he gave out a certificate of baptismal right then and there...

He signed it right away and handed it to us...

And he wasn't taken off to the Holocaust...

All he had to have was proof that he wasn't a Jew...

..... that priest handed out a lot of certificates.....'

Monday, January 15, 2007

Unexpected CHOICES

G'morning all. The reason I am up and blogging this early is because I got up for my practicum this morning. My car died Friday, so thanks to my sweet fiance, I needed to get up earlier than usual in order to obtain Matt's car. Matt got up on his day off at [what I'm guessing was] about 7:30am and drove his car out to my apt with plans for me to drop him back off at his house. After getting up at 7:15am myself, I popped into the sower. Man, I had such a desire to be irresponsible, sleep until 7:30 and then rush to get ready. But I figured I'd be late and only end up making Matt, who was doing me a favor, wait on me. After getting ready fairly quickly for 7 in the morning, I must say, I did some responsible things like pay bills and gather my things before "last minute". Matt showed up [sleepy thing] and drove me back to his house. We spoke of ligistics and said our goodbyes. Heading down the road toward my practicum, I thought about calling Carol back. I noticed my phone said I had a message. I listened and heard these words from Matt;

"Your practicum's canceled. CHOICES is closed. Dad told me. So I hope you don't get there and then get this message." [It's about a 30 minute drive].

So, despite the fact that I'd love to complain and complain about how early and how annoying and... and .. and... instead let's look at the bright side. I get an unexpected morning off, I got my bills paid, and it's 9am and I'm already up and dressed for the day. Whew baby!!!!

So, I'm going to continue this overly productive day and work on my project for my independent study class. And who knows... I may even get to finish it. I'm also looking forward to updating my budget, cleaning my room and trading in my guitar today.

Thank you, God, for the blessing of an unexpected day off.
I love You. I love You. I love You!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Not Loosing Count

In case you were afraid I was loosing count, since I haven't updated you since a while ago...
227 days.
~ Can we say excited?!?!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Highlighting Disappointment

Today in Social Work class we began with some group activities. There were icebreaker type questions which involved dividing into groups. Our Prof happily took on the task of dividing us up into groups of four.

The first couple of questions were fairly unnerving. Despite our Prof's goal to "get us to know ourselves" and "speak freely" in her classroom, we all spoke stiffly and stereotypically of what the department had programmed us to say since our first Social Work class. Equal opportunity. Service for all regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference (that one makes me cringe in all reality), age... whatever you want to add on to the monotonous list of accepted life styles that we have been trained to spout off.

Then the second round of questions began. And tension began to grow in the room. I played my regular role of "shut up and pretend to be interested" as heated opinion clashes plagued the once-peaceful environment. As far as I know no one has won another's opinion by arguing that they are wrong. Who am I to start such arguments?

Rash, irresponsibly emotional statements flew from side to side as two distinct sides of an issue arose. The issue? Ironically, marriage. One side argued that marriage was a wonderful union. The other, and louder side, argued that marriage meant nothing in society anymore. You could just cohabit, make babies, and be on your way, reaping child support and maintaining independence. One voice rang above the others, "Well if you think that marriage is only to gain the benefits of taxes, then you are so wrong, girl. You're missing so much cause marriage is so much more." I couldn't agree with the voice more until it erred in making emotional defenses, "And you may like cohabiting, but I love my husband, but I don't want to go to Hell for him." The mention of Hell added a strange tension to the room. "Moving on," the Prof joked nervously as the tension was cut with various knives.

The conversation bounced from defense to defense as once-respectful students began to throw flaming arrows at each other. I stared forward, in no-where-ville, blocking out the chaos for a moment. "Well marriage has no benefit anymore. There's no point. People just have sex anyway." One frustrated student announced to the classroom [and the surrounding hallway].

"Well, that's true, but some may think marriage is still the thing for them. So, I say let them get married. And if you want to have children with your significant other and cohabit for the rest of your life, then I say do it." My professor popped in her opinion to appease both shouting matches.

I felt Laura's eyes searching for mine. I looked up from my "respectfully listening" position to find the eyes of the distraught Christ-follower. I smiled my "it'll all be ok. But this one's not our battle to fight verbally in a big group" smile. The tension fled from Laura's eyes.

I looked down at my engagement ring.

I missed Matt.


I still miss Matt.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Vanishing Stale

I had the privilege of traveling down to Cincinnati to visit my sister on New Years Day. My sister was throwing a party and I looked forward to the joys of spending time with my sis and her roomie, Sarah. The party went well with much laughing and talking with new faces. Matt, Tara and I played Pirates of the Caribbean Life and we played a white elephant-type game for presents. The game became quite lively with a few key presents being fought over. It was fun.
Around 5pm the party had died down and most of the guests had left. Sarah, Jes, Matt, Scott (Sarah's boyfriend) and Megan remained.
"Want a sandwich?" Jes asked me knowing that I had not eaten lunch [or breakfast for that matter].
I happily received the offered tuna sandwich on Rye.
After getting a few good bites of sandwich, Sarah asked for a bite.
I was in the process of finding a new music selection, so I tossed my response to her over my shoulder, "No prob. Have as much as you'd like."
Sarah took a bite.. "Oooo... the bread's hard." Came her quiet comment.
When I returned to my seat after happily discovering a Josh Groban CD guess what I discovered...
the parts of the sandwich that were the softest remained on my plate.
Sarah's selflessness is amazing.